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B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez and Caduceus [closed]

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2014, 09:29
by Ishayel
B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez with :
1.first aid
3.first aid or sanctuary

4.ougi rapid Storm
5.nothing or ougi Extend Heal

Caduceus with first aid + energy ball + ougi rapid storm

Make offers

Re: B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2014, 09:21
by Ishayel

Re: B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2014, 11:23
by Venezzi
If thats no a problem can u put more info like what skill rank u prefer, smelted or nope and offer :)

Re: B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2014, 11:31
by Ishayel
skills rank 5 min or maxed at +50.
I don't care if upgraded or not. Offers depend on the staff ^^

Search for a caduceus too with speed ougi.

Re: B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez and Caduceus

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2014, 15:45
by Kaze'aze
i have an ornamented gokan if ud like it. look on my post

Re: B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez and Caduceus

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2014, 16:23
by Saegusa
selling +90 Schwerkruez min with rank 5 skills pm in game if u want

Re: B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez and Caduceus

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 11:14
by AyameOni


Re: B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez and Caduceus

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 12:03
by Ishayel
the caduceus have nor energy ball, nor first aid.

Re: B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez and Caduceus

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 14:06
by -x-SongNhi-x-
Ishayel wrote:the caduceus have nor energy ball, nor first aid.

Those skils are kinda useless, energy balls dont heal much, and first aid is not good either, as you will have to multi cast them a load of times to fill ur energy bar end game, unless u have 3x first aid or 3x energy balls with very high attacking power. Better just equip a Chiami magatama and hit a mob which will instantly refill your hp bar if that's your goal.

Re: B> Star staff/necogami/Schwerzkruez and Caduceus

PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 14:47
by Ricardio
-x-SongNhi-x- wrote:
Ishayel wrote:the caduceus have nor energy ball, nor first aid.

Those skils are kinda useless, energy balls dont heal much, and first aid is not good either, as you will have to multi cast them a load of times to fill ur energy bar end game, unless u have 3x first aid or 3x energy balls with very high attacking power. Better just equip a Chiami magatama and hit a mob which will instantly refill your hp bar if that's your goal.

Yeah your way better off with extend heal, or as song suggested chiami magatama