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B>Brigandia G100 +50 with all skills rank7 (closed)

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2015, 08:59
by King
B>Brigandia G100 +50 with all normal skills rank 7 including ice blossom vii... without ougi is fine..the price that i can pay atm is 300~400 oc.. my IGN is Axia_Zs

Re: B>Brigandia G100 +50 with all skills rank7

PostPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 02:44
by King

Re: B>Brigandia G100 +50 with all skills rank7

PostPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 13:18
by Tekato
Finished crafting it pm me when u get online

Re: B>Brigandia G100 +50 with all skills rank7

PostPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 19:56
by King
sure,ty for the spear :)