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Selling magas... Please buy T_T

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2015, 19:09
by sylvia1239
Here's a list of magas that I'm currently selling...

Dusk Magatama
Oumagatoki Magatama
Dousetsu Magatama
Nagayoshi Magatama
Capricorn Magatama
Fuji Magatama
Grape Magatama
Haisui Magatama
Lord Enma Magatama
Lord Renge Magatama
Lord Henjyo Magatama
Lord Shokou Magatama
Lord Soutei Magatama
Masamune Magatama
Amara Magatama
Nisshouku Magatama
Nyuudou Magatama
Tadakatsu Magatama
Taion Magatama
Yujyun Magatama
Flash Magatama
Hermit Magatama

Yes.. I know, most of them are pretty crappy ._.

Pm me for more
IGN: itsuki1239 lvl 97

Re: Selling magas... Please buy T_T

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2015, 19:37
by sylvia1239
Forgot to add Scorpio Magatama

Re: Selling magas... Please buy T_T

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2015, 20:30
by Reis
You could just edit your original post...

Re: Selling magas... Please buy T_T

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2015, 01:30
by sylvia1239

Re: Selling magas... Please buy T_T

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2015, 17:42
by sylvia1239

Seems like I AFK a lot in onigiri... so leave a message here if you wanna buy anything

IGN: itsuki1239

Re: Selling magas... Please buy T_T

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2015, 21:33
by Hatsuyuki
u still have some nekotama? IGN Natsu no Ame

Re: Selling magas... Please buy T_T

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2015, 04:34
by sylvia1239
Hatsuyuki wrote:u still have some nekotama? IGN Natsu no Ame

Yes I still do :3
I will try to pm you for offer

Re: Selling magas... Please buy T_T

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2015, 11:26
by AtmaMoogle
I'll buy your pineapples if you still have any.

Re: Selling magas... Please buy T_T

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2015, 17:42
by sylvia1239
AtmaMoogle wrote:I'll buy your pineapples if you still have any.

Sorry, it's not on the list anymore, but if I find some, I will pm you :D