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B> sword with Thunder beast ougi (Closed)

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2015, 18:24
by Kathrynie
Hi I'm kinda new to this game and I need a thunder beast ougi sword for training.
I'm looking for a sword lvl 8x~9x with 1 or 2 Thunder beast ougi so that I can use it, .
Feel free to offer me your price. It would be great if you can upload its picture.
Notice: I hardly pay more than 100 OC for it.
Thank you for dropping by!

Re: B> sword with Thunder beast ougi

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2015, 20:26
by Chikako
Just wondering, the sword lvl is between 8-9 and it needs to have Tb. How much oc u have?

Re: B> sword with Thunder beast ougi

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2015, 20:31
by Firon
Chikako wrote:Just wondering, the sword lvl is between 8-9 and it needs to have Tb. How much oc u have?

Kathrynie wrote:lvl 8x~9x

Eighty-something to ninety-something


Re: B> sword with Thunder beast ougi

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2015, 02:19
by Kathrynie
Firon is right. I need a level 80 ~ 90 nice sword.
I have around 100 oc

Re: B> sword with Thunder beast ougi

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2015, 20:40
by Penii
You just want the ougis? No enhancements on the sword?

Re: B> sword with Thunder beast ougi (Closed)

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2015, 18:29
by Kathrynie
Thank you for dropping by
However I have found my sword in the market already.
Topic closed