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B>Garg Swords (Nova,Rime,Storm) +100

PostPosted: 12 May 2016, 08:18
by Phan
Umm, I would like to buy these weapons but no one sell it with +100 yet. Please PM me with Information and Price of the Sword that you sell.Thanks~
P/s: My IGN is :" Chronicle" :D :D :D :D :D

Re: B>Garg Swords (Nova,Rime,Storm) +100

PostPosted: 17 May 2016, 14:11
by Chikako
I will see one for 900 oc
it has grade 100
3x bfb
and ember

Re: B>Garg Swords (Nova,Rime,Storm) +100

PostPosted: 18 May 2016, 13:44
by Chikako
make that price 600 oc