Hi there, seeing the amount of people playing this game has decreased significantly since last time I played I thought about trying to make a group of people to hang out with / grind / whatever. We could even get on skype or some other voice chat if you're the talkative type. There's other threads like this but they're quite old so I'm making a new one. That's it, hope at least someone reads this.
Meow. If you want to party up/ skype/ whatever then sure, sounds fun.
IGN: Khaos Muffins Lv 107 Spear -------- Yoshitsune gave me a shitty OOD CROSS /.- Want to learn Japanese? Go take a class, not Google Traslate or Rosetta Stone
Don't remember my Skype username at the moment, which is a little awkward. If I remember, I'll put it up. I occasionally party up, but time difference makes things difficult. That, and lag.
I sent you request on skype and when i'm online on the game i can you then. >.< Looking for good teammates have been really hard to do of the later. I do have one other friend who is playing and overworking him self on the game but he'll help us out when he gets his main goals done. >.<