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PS4 Players !

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PS4 Players !

Postby TheBlackHokage » 03 Feb 2016, 03:47

I'm looking for help on the ps4. I'm new to this game pretty much lvl 65 and have a horrible damage output. I need help bad on this game tips for weapons and things like that. Add me on psn -> TheRealArc_Angel i'm always on
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Re: PS4 Players !

Postby Khaos Muffins » 03 Feb 2016, 18:41

As Ps4/shitbox 1 are pretty similiar to PC except for content wise, building your character is pretty simple. Here are some ways of maximizing damage output (not in any specific order)

1. Affinity. The higher the affinity the more damage (generally)
2. Skill force magatama
3. Stats. Your states shouldn't be all jumbled up. Pick a weapon, stick to it and max out that weapon's stats. Have a total of 40 mind for rapid storm and then throw the rest into dex for crit.
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Re: PS4 Players !

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 03 Feb 2016, 19:20

With regards to SF mags, I recommend Rank 3 to Rank 5, since skills of those levels are easy enough to evolve/card. Rank 7 is the highest you could equip (since skills don't go higher than that), but a Rank 7 mag is only really worthwhile if you have 2-3 Rank 7 skills.

This is a really obvious suggestion, but make sure you're enhancing your weapons to the max. At your level, I'm assuming you're around Kyoto or Seki, maybe Kaga. Make sure you're using weapons from those areas as well, since they're much stronger than even Izumo. One disadvantage you have for playing on console is that you don't have Youen yet (as far as I know). I've used that to get Seki weapons as early (story wise) as Yamataikoku (Dancer Lancer obtained Tridents and Beast Spears before he'd even defeated Room of Rites). I also hear lag is far worse on console compared to PC.
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