(I Re-Posted this in the Grouping/Recruitment section as well)
I'm looking for players who would like to attempt to clear at least 50 levels in The Juncture. In doing this we can at least get some of the spoils in the dungeon. I want to set up a strategy (requirements) as to what would be an ideal group to complete the 50 levels.
1 Supports - Must be level 60+
4 Tanks/Attackers - Must be level 75+ (80+ Recommended)
*Special Note*
If anyone has Skill Card (Set 1) this will be utilized greatly. Equip the skill card on as many axes as possible we will need a skill that is called "Weapon Spirit"which restores 200 durability to all weapons of NEARBY party members.
Bow Users will be preferred as well as.
If interested, add me in-game and/or post your in-game name here and i'll send you a friend request.