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Update2015-12-9 Christmas is Coming!

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Update2015-12-9 Christmas is Coming!

Postby Takoyaki » 09 Dec 2015, 02:27

You'll probably notice that there are a few new faces around town in Onigashima as of late, and it looks like one of them is from another game altogether!

Even though Beta testing of Cosmic League opened yesterday, Lunastasia is visiting Onigashima on some important business, but what exactly is it?


Regardless of why she's here, it seems that she's getting into the Christmas spirit. Speak to her to see if you can get any goodies!

Speaking of new faces and Christmas spirit, it's that time of the year again folks - Christmas!


Santa Kurosu is back in town with her helpers to spread Christmas cheer to one and all! You can find them waiting outside them Onigashima train station.


However, on their way to Onigashima it seems that there was some kind of mid-air collision between their sled and an Ittanmomen, scattering their presents over the land below. Will you help them to take their presents back from the Youkai who have taken them and save Christmas?

A special dungeon has been opened to battle these bandit Youkai in, but there's a twist - you'll have to fight the Youkai as a Youkai yourself!


Helping Santa and her helpers to gather the presents, decorations and uniforms - while teaching those Youkai a lesson - will allow you to claim rewards!

But remember, this will only be possible while the Christmas event lasts. Santa and her helpers will be returning to the North at 12am on the 12/26 .


Looks like everyone is getting into the Christmas spirit, even that old grump Ashiya! Hmmmm, maybe he'd be willing to do things a little differently over Christmas?


Don't forget there is also a purchase campaign running over the holiday season! With gifts being sent out for bulk purchases of OC. If you'd like to know what kind of prizes we are giving out, you can read more about it here.

Well, that's about it from us, have a very merry Christmas and stay tuned for more news!

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Re: Update2015-12-9 Christmas is Coming!

Postby Riddras » 10 Dec 2015, 01:42

Thank you for the update. It's nice to see new things implemented. Hope to get some Gacha tickets from the xmas boxes~
Ign: Riddras
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