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How To Improve Graphics

Anything Onigiri related!

How To Improve Graphics

Postby BlackCoffee » 07 Jul 2014, 19:41

This mostly smooths out the edges. Since there is no option in game, you can force the settings manually. Works really well on Dragon Nest, but the difference here is still noticeable.

Similar process for an AMD gpu, but I'm showing Intel since that's what I have. I have a high end gpu, though it does work with integrated gpus like the Intel HD 4000.

1. Right click desktop and open up Nvidia Control Panel

2. Select the executeable file for Onigiri. You will have to browse for it. If you saved it in the default path, navigate in the following manner.

3. Adjust the settings at your discretion. Higher does not necessarily mean better. Note: Antialiasing Mode must be set to Enhance as opposed to override if you want this to work.


Before - notice jagged legs

After - ohbby

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Joined: 07 Jul 2014, 18:49

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