Onigiri Role playing
I'm making this topic because I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes to have a group that want's to role play as their character's for the fun of it. so I wan't this topic to be used to help meet other's that role play in game and wan't to start a small community in a sense.
character post example:
Name: Seisai Yami Age: 22
Personality: Calm/laid-back/lazy/Forgetful
Hobbies/habits: working on his art of cooking with Yokai, Relaxing under a tree with a breeze, taste every Yokai he kills out of curiosity.
Favorite foods: Karasu-Sake, all Ramen, Shrimp Sushi, and Durama Roles, And any other Foods he makes with Yokai meat.
Description: Seisai Yami always seems to be relaxing by a shady tree or in a tea house somewhere, but never stops thinking of new dishe's to make for him and his few friends.
he seems to love the idea of making his dishe's main ingredient yokai, even the thought makes him taste every yokai he kills.
Momotaru tends to get extremely angry at the thought of him cooking natures creations, but nobody cares. Miroku and Yoshitsune very much enjoy his cooking, and Miroku
even gets an added bonus as he can sell his scrapped yokai parts to Seisai. his temper and anger never seem to get to him.
This is caused mostly by his calm nature and he just takes anger out on the recoil of a bad tasting yokai.
Thanks to his relaxed mind set and condition that he lives the only things that motivates him is his great passion for new Yokai Dishes, and the Safety of his Friends.
He has a very bad past that causes him to hate most humans, but has learned to change this thought for those that showed him different such as Miroku, Yoshitsune, and Shizuka.
Fighting skills: He enjoys blades mostly large swords but he also uses the swords to slice parts of of yokai to taste.
Family/Relatives: Dito-Yami (Younger brother), Sakura Yami (Younger Sister),
Name: Sakura Yami Age: 19
Personality: Violent/Homicidal/Calm/kind
Hobbies/Habits: Working on her medical practice, Losing her Calm composure in Threatening Scenario's, Dissecting and attempting Scientific/medical tests on Yokai.
Favorite Foods: Spicy Dangos, Durama Rolls, Sweet Herbal tea, Cherry's.
Discription: Sakura Yami always keeps a cool head until she is threatened, then she almost becomes a different person and becomes violent and hostile then soon returns to her calm composure as if nothing happened.
When she isn't treating the wounds of injured friends and other people she dissects Yokai and occasionally tries to create new one's even though non have been successful she still has hopes that one day one of them will survive.
Kaguya Seem's to take an interest in giving her a hand in the Yokai experiments, almost like a nurse in a surgery, Where as Miroku tries not to ask her about her experiments when she buys Yokai parts from him Because she always buy's the high quality parts.
Sakura seems to try and keep her brother's in line but they normally don't listen until she Starts to lose her temper, because that's the point when she is willing to go as far as mutilation.
Sakura and her siblings lived a rough life do to their past and she still hasn't forgiven humans for the horrific loss of their family, that's why her goal is one day to create an army Yokai she can control that are powerful enough to destroy any human who may wish harm on any Oni again.
Fighting Style: Sakura focuses on medical and supportive magics but was forced to do side training in bows by her older brother Seisai.
I'f you choose to use my last name please at least let me know I will be happy to role play as a family member.
but I used my own character to give an example of info to post I hope this topic helps other's enjoy the game even more.
NOTE: I have edited my post a bit and added a description of my character in RP. I hope this helps you all with giving your character info and remember my character's past is something for you to find out. I also added my other role playing character.