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Theory of Succesful Trading with less OC payment

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Theory of Succesful Trading with less OC payment

Postby ShinenYuri » 14 Jul 2014, 11:39

This is just a theory based on the marketing system of bazaars implemented in Onigiri, it might work for you or it might not, it depends on what you need though.

This only works if one of the parts has OC already in their account, which means it only reduces the OC payed by the amount of things, IT'S NOT A NULL OC METHOD, you still need to pay, but a bit less.

P.S: Read the whole post, you can do this with only one wasting OC or both wasting OC to have more balance.

-Higher OC than Minimum Price of buying item
-2 people (preferably people who you know and trust)
-Will to do it

You've already said once or twice "I'd wish to have that thing this one friend has that I don't", well, if that friend has said the same to you, then this might work for you. Remember that one of the parts needs to actually pay for OC, and needs to have a significant amount (higher than the paying item), the idea of this process is for both parts to keep buying between each other so that they can keep trading while paying the less OC they can.

Process of one trading for minimum and other for MFM (Max. For Min.):

Let's call them: Player 1 and Player 2, Player 1 has got the OC and the items, and is ready for this, and Player 2 has got the items too. (this is the one-pay way)

First, you must calculate the total fee for payment required, you know the fee that goes for you when you manage to sell something?, that's why you need to put the item you sell at more price than the minimum.

Let's put an example... If I sell an Amanohiboko at minimum price, I get 24,50 out of the 35 OC it actually sells for, what this is actually trying to do is evade us doing an infinite buy-sell process, but it doesn't stop you from lowering the required OC for buying more items.

I'm going to say...
Player 2 wants these things that Player 1 has:
Amanohiboko-Min Price 35 OC (24,50 Total)
Mjollnir-Min Price 21 OC (14,70 Total)

and Player 1 wants these these things that Player 2 has:
Silver Baton-Min Price 36 OC (25,20 Total)
Doujikiriyasutsuna-Min Price 19 OC (13,30 Total)

You can see the total is always lowered by 30% of the selling price, here's the trick.

First, sum all the 30% of the list, and now, sum the highest price item.
Great, that gives us 69,3 OC, which means Player 1 needs to get 70 OC.

Player 1 has wasted therefore has 70 OC, now, let's try and put Player 2 to sell... the Silver Baton.
But instead, player 2 will increment the price of the Silver Baton so that he gets more than the minimum price, which means 52 OC (Will get 36).
Player 1 has bought the Silver Baton by 52 OC, and the 70 OC now has reduced to 18 OC, while the other player has got 36 OC (remember numbers less than 1 are not counted towards the OC).
Player 2 now wants the Amanohiboko, therefore he will waste those 36 and get the Amanohiboko while the other one an amount of 25,20 OC, now Player 1 has 43 OC!

Good, so far Player 1 has exchanged with Player 2 a Silver Baton and an Amanohiboko, both of them cost more than 36 OC and 35 OC yet the combined waste is only of 27 OC so far, you've wasted even less than the minimum price.

Let's continue the procedure, Player 2 now sells the Douji for 28 OC, which makes the 43 a 15 OC, and the player 1 sells the Mjollnir for the amount of 21 OC, which makes the 15 a 36 OC

Finally, the player 1 has only wasted 34 OC out of the 70 OC, while if he did buy those things normally he'd take 55 OC.

Now now, you might say Player 2 is a dick now?, of course they're friends, Player 2 hasn't wasted anything while Player 1 has wasted, one got things for free and the other one didn't. You can do this with 2 players wasting OC too, but you'll need to calculate better this time, take your time to calculate things.

You may not do this if you're:
-Trying to buy just one item (in this case it's just better to buy it at minimum price)
-Only selling
-Only buying

This is more of a trade system than a marketing one, the things is that this trade still uses OC, but less than the required. Both parts pay less than they should, one part can even get everything for free. Now I didn't have any chance to do a good way to do this with 2 players, but the way does exist, and it has to do with both players having the money required for the MFM+Total Price of Highest Selling Item, but this may be incorrect.

One more thing is that this hasn't been proved to work, I calculated it all by taking out numbers from the game, NOT trying myself, so if you see an error please say it before someone tries this and fails.
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Re: Theory of Succesful Trading with less OC payment

Postby Jazneo » 14 Jul 2014, 11:59

they need 2 option sale with in game gold or OC

no going to buy weapon in player shop if attach to real money
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Joined: 01 Jul 2014, 21:14

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