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{WIP} Stat Simulator - Discontinued

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{WIP} Stat Simulator - Discontinued

Postby Granck » 29 Jul 2014, 01:28

Sadly... I've been too busy with my exams, and I will not have anytime to create this program.
In addition to this, I can see that Onigiri's Player base is slowly decreasing.
So. I regret to say that I will no longer create this project.
Hello, Youkai and Oni alike!
My name is Granck, and I'm a relatively new player.
I've been looking around for a stat simulator to map out my stats, however... I found none.

Now, as a new member of this community, I'd like to make something for everyone to use.
So I've decided to make a Stat Sim for you guys, with the little knowledge of Visual basic I have.

Mind you, I might give up mid-way as I have very little programming experience, and I do have a lot of stuff to do IRL (Being a student is tough, you feel me?)

So, since that's out of the way, I'll need to understand ALL the Stat mechanics, and to get that information, I'd need you guys to tell me everything... EVERYTHING

I'll put off Weapon Affection, crit and other stuff for now, but I'll add them later when I successfully make the stat sim.

Things that I'd like to know
1. Level Caps.
2. Rewarded Stat Points per level... Yes... Per. Level.
3. Characteristic's effects on stats, ie. Cautious gives more stat in Wis and Dex, by so and so much. etc...
4. Any sort of possible information that seems useful
5. Are you guys interested?
Last edited by Granck on 31 Aug 2014, 00:56, edited 1 time in total.
IGN: Kyudo (Say hi please!)
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Re: {WIP} Stat Simulator?

Postby Firon » 29 Jul 2014, 01:46

Yeah, interested. Really happy that you're doing this. About status points, not sure if you know this but if you lvl kaguya you sometimes get free status points from talking to her. Sorry I don't know when, it's just something to take into account. (Also so far I've gotten 30, twice iirc from this and it's not every lvl). Goodluck with this, looking forward to it.
-was Amaterasu, thx for the correction
Last edited by Firon on 29 Jul 2014, 02:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: {WIP} Stat Simulator?

Postby Lifariz » 29 Jul 2014, 02:02

I heard Rhythm was recording various data on that.

But frankly, you don't really need to plot out anything. Just dump your stats into your main stats until you are completely independent of affinity mags at 3000 affinity, then you can just add mnd or dex with your spare stat points. Note that you should have your ideal title bonus before attempting to exceed around 80 total of your main stats.

Yep, it's pretty straight forward, no need to actually simulate adding stats since you'll be too busy worrying about the most efficient way to grind for yourself.

Oh and Amaterasu is the one giving out the free stat points every 5 levels. But when you're able to get Amaterasu to lvl10 usually you'd already have your ideal title and enough levels to cap out affinity.

Just keep in mind that most high level players(70+) have secondary staves and 40-60 mnd to use Rush Storm and Invig V/VI.

Ok, maybe that level can be a bit lower due to the fact that my build is actually Pow/Mnd/Dex. But meh, people who have secondary/tertiary DEX only adds dex when they have enough points to get +12 more dex for the extra crit.
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Please, when you enter Kaga onwards, at least be able to cast invig IV/V/VI when you decide to leech. Please and Thank you.
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Re: {WIP} Stat Simulator?

Postby Otonashi » 29 Jul 2014, 02:42

It's always worth it to plan out a build, regardless of whether or not endgame builds are similar. That being said, you should just make a google survey asking for current base stats, level, remaining status points and type, then just do some math to work out the total status points at that level from there.

That being said, you'd probably have to add ways to add the bonuses from other items to the stat total (and by extension all the secondary stats) for me to find a stat simulator useful.
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Re: {WIP} Stat Simulator?

Postby Granck » 29 Jul 2014, 03:04

I intended this Sim as a small "spread" calculator.
As a frequent RPG player, I normally map out a spread.
The spread is used for calculating possible leftover stat points, that are otherwise useless.

Lets take Onigiri's Rouge for example.
I want to have high Dex, and some Defensive capabilities, with SP for spam-ability.
So, I'll invest enough points to get Dex to 75 (*cough*Sienna your guide is awesome*cough*), and place 34 into Mnd, and so-so number into WIS.
But you see...I don't know what number of stat points I'll be using, including the stat bonuses the game gives us, to determine the "right" build for me.

So, by having a spread simulator, I am able to see that "Hey! I can place Dex to Lv.XXXX, whilst having Stat points to spare".
IGN: Kyudo (Say hi please!)
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Re: {WIP} Stat Simulator?

Postby SupremeTentacle » 29 Jul 2014, 15:13

Selling all of my gear for ~40% of its market value!
~4 lv. 108 to 115 weapons remaining
Some skill card 7's, ougi, orna'd maga and other stuff too!
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Re: {WIP} Stat Simulator?

Postby Reis » 29 Jul 2014, 15:58

*looks at the title....* yeah nice Rhy.
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Came back for some reason.
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Re: {WIP} Stat Simulator?

Postby SupremeTentacle » 29 Jul 2014, 21:41

Dunno what yer talkin about Reis

Selling all of my gear for ~40% of its market value!
~4 lv. 108 to 115 weapons remaining
Some skill card 7's, ougi, orna'd maga and other stuff too!
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Re: {WIP} Stat Simulator?

Postby Granck » 29 Jul 2014, 22:54

Dayum, That's some good information right here.
So I see here is that you receive an additional 10 Sp Point every 10 levels, whilst the SP points gained are increased by one every 10 levels, after 20.

I respect you Rhythm, this is already useful to me.
At level 31 you still gained the previous norm reward of 7, rather than 8, is that intentional?
IGN: Kyudo (Say hi please!)
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Re: {WIP} Stat Simulator?

Postby SupremeTentacle » 29 Jul 2014, 23:10

7 should be correct if I did not count my status points incorrect, which there is always a chance of. When I status reset on that character, I will compare the total status point count.
Selling all of my gear for ~40% of its market value!
~4 lv. 108 to 115 weapons remaining
Some skill card 7's, ougi, orna'd maga and other stuff too!
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