ogre wrote:stop with lv req 100 stats for anything not support.....
you have the right to build and think what you little head tells you to but you have no right to make me build it the way you like it
the stats system work perfectly fine as it let you put stats as you like so nope anything pure is just wishfull thinking
i love hibrid and you and if you dont like it there the door ops watch out to not hit your big ugly head on the way out
again you have no right to tell me how to build my toon you have every right to build and play with whoever you wish but that is as far as you go
. It's only suggestion, why take it to heart? And, it's all up to you to add your stats.
You can become hybrid, become pure, or whatever you want to be with your toon or whatever creatures it is.
My point, is not to limit you need/have to/must have minimum stat of xx.
Instead, the point is, the party leader CAN determine, what kind of people he/she wants in his/her party.If you want to have party of leechers, then free all the way.
If you want to have a serious party, he/she can determine, for example, like TERA ingame which every player is judged based on equipment rating. Below the minimum equipment rating, you can be kicked from party.
-Simple solution? Add 'Kick party member' feature for party leader.-
IGN : Lynneth (lv.92/Reraised as Zombies) - Looking for more exciting experience..Rather than being depressed, better just play!
. Let's grind for teamwork.. or not?
. Looking for party to grind lv.90+ weapon. Whisp me IGN!-In hiatus for 2 days-