Halice wrote:Is there a block/ignore feature? I have this fan/stalker who likes to send me obscene messages whenever I log in. What do I do? I just want it to stop.
If you're still here, Halice, I hope you found a solution outside going alt. Hasslers and stalkers and wannabe-daters were especially partly responsible for the badly skewed enough wide m/f ratio in MMOs from way back. Very early Eve Online and Second Life dealt with pests with a selective "Stealth Mode" that didn't list or announce that you were on-line in the game, so unless someone ran into you in the same scene or you permitted the other party to "see" you, you were good as off-line, but stalkers took advantage of that to anon hunt down and badger many females online then. It also posed a lot of holes to hack too I believe. You don't hear too much about the feature if game services offer it. Maybe by request like Second Life does/did. I don't know whether Cyberstep has this stealth play feature on the shelf, but it'd make a good gamer option.