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Good grinding dungeon Level 35 and up?

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Good grinding dungeon Level 35 and up?

Postby Ulyces » 03 Sep 2014, 20:17

Im level 35 and need to grind to beat Hades. Any recommendations?
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Re: Good grinding dungeon Level 35 and up?

Postby Firon » 03 Sep 2014, 20:52

Ulyces wrote:Im level 35 and need to grind to beat Hades. Any recommendations?

Might not be the right place to ask... idk, not sure

Afaik, most ppl grind shinoda forest. I soloed Ankan forest for the weapons and it gave me good xp (5k every 1 min 30, didn't know shinoda was a grind spot XD). Idk what wep you use but Hades is pretty easy for ranged weapons. Keep shooting and running around him, if you get cursed and don't have rapid storm use backstep arrow/backstep/evade warp/dancing strike etc. to dodge, this probably works for other weps too.
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Re: Good grinding dungeon Level 35 and up?

Postby SupremeTentacle » 04 Sep 2014, 09:43


You should be able to beat hades though.

What weapon are you using? I can give you some skill recommendations, hopefully.
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Re: Good grinding dungeon Level 35 and up?

Postby Ulyces » 06 Sep 2014, 11:02

SupremeTentacle wrote:

You should be able to beat hades though.

What weapon are you using? I can give you some skill recommendations, hopefully.

Im using an ice heavy rattan bow+40 that does 464-554 damage. my skills are:
Overall attack:1755

Im barely even hurting him. I would have to keep hitting him for at least an hour to kill him. I got about halfway there before he used an attack that slowed me down so i couldnt dodge him
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Re: Good grinding dungeon Level 35 and up?

Postby SupremeTentacle » 06 Sep 2014, 11:09

Hmm.. ice heavy should come with icicle arrow as well, which seems pretty decent for single target damage =X

What kind of magatama set up are you using? If you don't have any offensive ones, I suggest you hunt for them, getting as much SF as you can stack, and shoving a bit of affinity to make up for not having enough SF mags, if you must.

Also, I happen to be planning to farm Hades for 30 hell's bibles, so if you happen to see me, feel free to ask for help.
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Re: Good grinding dungeon Level 35 and up?

Postby Lynneth » 08 Sep 2014, 11:07

SupremeTentacle wrote:Hmm.. ice heavy should come with icicle arrow as well, which seems pretty decent for single target damage =X

What kind of magatama set up are you using? If you don't have any offensive ones, I suggest you hunt for them, getting as much SF as you can stack, and shoving a bit of affinity to make up for not having enough SF mags, if you must.

Also, I happen to be planning to farm Hades for 30 hell's bibles, so if you happen to see me, feel free to ask for help.

Can I tag along? ^_^, I need those hell's bibles too ._.
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Re: Good grinding dungeon Level 35 and up?

Postby Yui Hirasaka » 09 Sep 2014, 04:03

SupremeTentacle wrote:Also, I happen to be planning to farm Hades for 30 hell's bibles, so if you happen to see me, feel free to ask for help.

Lynneth wrote:Can I tag along? ^_^, I need those hell's bibles too ._.

Would you mind if I tagged along as well? >.<
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Re: Good grinding dungeon Level 35 and up?

Postby SupremeTentacle » 09 Sep 2014, 12:37

Sure, why not?

I'm doing it in small chunks though, sincne I'm getting extremely bored of farming 120398129038 years at once.
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