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Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Decline

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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby Lynneth » 07 Oct 2014, 05:28

AtmaMoogle wrote:
Lynneth wrote:Still useless :(. Instead lowering Chian/Chiami effects, why not strengthen staff/wand attack ? :roll:

Or at the very least make SP consumption for wand is managable and efficient/effective even at lower level.

Why do you always have to complain about something. Wands ARE NOT useless, Staves where NEVER useless. Yes, wands aren't the first choice for DPS. Yes, wands probably need work on early game. But who made you the Wand enforcer, there ARE people who made wand work. How about you follow their example and try instead of constantly going off. The game still hasn't even made a year, for what reason do you always have to bitch? If you're gonna quit. Just quit. Stop leaking forums just to keep saying wand is trash. Really had enough of your shit.

They tried to make Supports an actual thing other than SP slave, and all you do is keep saying what they're doing wrong. Art thou feeling it how Mister Crabs?

It's just the truth :). Truth WILL ALWAYS hurt. SP will ALWAYS be problem as wand-user. And with your way ''bitch' and 'shit' I don't think it's a good idea :).

And I don't say Wands are useless, I just stated that the update they make for Chian/Chiami mags are useless.

I complain because I want this game to be better, well, sometimes I might be bitter, but well at least I have tried xD.

And actually, you know what? Some of the suggestions in this forum are taken seriously by the developers and being implemented now.

I should thank that, at least :).

IGN : Lynneth (lv.92/Reraised as Zombies) - Looking for more exciting experience..Rather than being depressed, better just play! :D. Let's grind for teamwork.. or not? :P :). Looking for party to grind lv.90+ weapon. Whisp me IGN!-In hiatus for 2 days-
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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby Ryxa » 07 Oct 2014, 11:01

Just a heads-up to anyone still paying attention to this thread:

We (Rhythm, Akatsuki Kai, Freesia, and I) have spoken to WEDGE and he's interested in some of the suggestions we have. We (Probably will end up being Rhythm and I) will compile a document for everything.

We had a basic layout and some explanations/reasonings down before we even started this thread, but now we're putting it together into a neater (And more professional). Here's a PREVIEW of what I have now. This is NOT the final document... in fact, I just copied and pasted the current table of contents. I've still got another 30ish or 40ish things to categorize and I still need to comb through the forums again to add anything new. ... sp=sharing

I'll let you guys know when we've got a finished document.
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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby Annette » 07 Oct 2014, 11:09

AtmaMoogle wrote:Defense Mags are completely Useless. They reduce a flat amount of damage and you sacrifice so much damage, it's no where near efficient. You are HONESTLY better off getting Affinity mags at early levels with hp ornaments if you can't survive. Even better later in the game, of getting Skillforce mags with crit/hp ornaments if you don't want to get one shot. There is literally no reason to ever go defense mags. You simply don't do anything with them.
"Oh hey, I have 5000 Defense, let me reduce 500 damage flat per hit when mobs hit over 15k sometimes anyway." While I don't know exact numbers, I tested it out and saw that the damage you take wasn't significantly reduced anyway.

While I agree with you on getting defense mags should be the idea if you can't survive, It's just terrible idea. Maybe if they changed the scaling from Flat damage reduction to Percent damage reduction it'd be infinitely better.

Defense Magatamas are generally pretty useless but not because defense reduces a flat amount of damage. It doesn't. Being misinformed is one thing but claiming you tested when this very clearly isn't the case only makes it worse. Defense -does- provide percentage-based damage reduction to players and I'd be happy to copy/paste some of my logs if you don't believe that. I'm unsure if enemies work the same way because the effect of 20% lowered defense seems to do nothing; this is something I'm still looking into.

Still, defensive Magatamas aren't wanted because a majority of them provide zero offensive bonuses. I'm sure they'd be much more valuable if there was a bit of a balance... say, offering 60-70% of the skill force of a comparable offensive Magatama. This way players can build a bit more defensively without feeling totally gimped.

Edit: Just something to tack on so I don't have to double post. It's been a while since I've read through the whole thread so apologies if this has already been brought up. In regards to healing:

Most seem to agree that damage comes in too quickly to efficiently manually target and heal someone before they die. Purely reactive healing just doesn't seem to work too well in Onigiri's high-damage world. What if all Staff heals had an additional effect that allowed proactive healing? Something along the lines of a short(let's say 30 seconds) buff that applies to the target of a heal that transforms any overhealing into a damage absorption shield; one that could not exceed the value of the heal itself. This makes healing someone who has only lost a small portion of health not feel like a waste of your durability as well as giving the option to provide a bit of a buffer for those huge crits, allowing the healer a bit more time to react appropriately.
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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby Lynneth » 07 Oct 2014, 11:54

Ryxa wrote:Just a heads-up to anyone still paying attention to this thread:

We (Rhythm, Akatsuki Kai, Freesia, and I) have spoken to WEDGE and he's interested in some of the suggestions we have. We (Probably will end up being Rhythm and I) will compile a document for everything.

We had a basic layout and some explanations/reasonings down before we even started this thread, but now we're putting it together into a neater (And more professional). Here's a PREVIEW of what I have now. This is NOT the final document... in fact, I just copied and pasted the current table of contents. I've still got another 30ish or 40ish things to categorize and I still need to comb through the forums again to add anything new. ... sp=sharing

I'll let you guys know when we've got a finished document.

Where's the content? It has only the table of content. Wow you are so dedicated :o. It will be a truly difficult homework from developers to implement all the suggested complaints/retention.

Where's the Complete Map function? The map function now is still bugging. The placement of players in party doesn't accurately pinpoint the location, both in the BIG map and SMALLER map on the top right corner.

They should fix this, especially in a big and vast map like Sekigahara Decisive Battle, even in the map we can't see each other because of the wrongly pinpointed location.
IGN : Lynneth (lv.92/Reraised as Zombies) - Looking for more exciting experience..Rather than being depressed, better just play! :D. Let's grind for teamwork.. or not? :P :). Looking for party to grind lv.90+ weapon. Whisp me IGN!-In hiatus for 2 days-
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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby Ryxa » 07 Oct 2014, 12:03

Lynneth wrote:
Ryxa wrote:Just a heads-up to anyone still paying attention to this thread:

We (Rhythm, Akatsuki Kai, Freesia, and I) have spoken to WEDGE and he's interested in some of the suggestions we have. We (Probably will end up being Rhythm and I) will compile a document for everything.

We had a basic layout and some explanations/reasonings down before we even started this thread, but now we're putting it together into a neater (And more professional). Here's a PREVIEW of what I have now. This is NOT the final document... in fact, I just copied and pasted the current table of contents. I've still got another 30ish or 40ish things to categorize and I still need to comb through the forums again to add anything new. ... sp=sharing

I'll let you guys know when we've got a finished document.

Where's the content? It has only the table of content. Wow you are so dedicated :o. It will be a truly difficult homework from developers to implement all the suggested complaints/retention.

Where's the Complete Map function? The map function now is still bugging. The placement of players in party doesn't accurately pinpoint the location, both in the BIG map and SMALLER map on the top right corner.

They should fix this, especially in a big and vast map like Sekigahara Decisive Battle, even in the map we can't see each other because of the wrongly pinpointed location.

Ryxa wrote:Here's a PREVIEW of what I have now. This is NOT the final document... in fact, I just copied and pasted the current table of contents. I've still got another 30ish or 40ish things to categorize and I still need to comb through the forums again to add anything new.

The actual content is on another document. The stuff we have now is from a few months ago and we need to tweak it a bit to account for recent changes.
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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby WildSakura » 07 Oct 2014, 14:27

Another idea is clans, where there would be higher level characters that have "topped out" and completed the game's story line, but they could be given the opportunity to form "clans". They could have up to 100 clan members, all of lower level players, from level 15, for beginning clan members, and up to Captains, at level 30. Commanders, and other higher ranks among each clan , could challenge one another in a different levels created for the clans to have small skirmishes, as well as have "duels" between clans, in Onigashima, and other village areas, free of interference with monsters, as well as the other game activities, already in play.

This would promote new players to be able to have other members of clans, assist them with killing field bosses, and helping them level up. It would also allow duels between higher level character players, if their experience level is within five levels above or below them, thereby restricting the differences in skill and stat levels, between the character players. It would also help the newer players have assistance from higher level characters, in order for them to have their higher clan members assist them in dungeons in the game, and in taking down field bosses, in suppression missions, as a clan.

The higher levels could also get rewards for assisting new players with killing field bosses, helping them benefit from being in a clan, and leveling them up, with experience , in a quicker fashion, and having their clans duel and challenge one another in skirmishes, in small groups of no more than ten vs. ten, of two opposing clans, limiting the levels within such skirmishes, to within five levels above or below, in true Bushido style, as in traditional samurai conflicts.

These are just a few ideas that may both attract new players and also add a new dimension to the game , for higher level players that may be "bored" with the game. Just thoughts that could have the potential to open up the game to a more sustainable playability.


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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby Argentum » 07 Oct 2014, 15:40

Annette wrote:Defense Magatamas are generally pretty useless but not because defense reduces a flat amount of damage. It doesn't. Being misinformed is one thing but claiming you tested when this very clearly isn't the case only makes it worse. Defense -does- provide percentage-based damage reduction to players and I'd be happy to copy/paste some of my logs if you don't believe that.

dont waste your breath, i mentioned that allready. multiple times.

also: a flat damage reduction would be stupidly overpowered.
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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby KonaKona » 07 Oct 2014, 17:21

Ryxa wrote:We (Rhythm, Akatsuki Kai, Freesia, and I) have spoken to WEDGE and he's interested in some of the suggestions we have. We (Probably will end up being Rhythm and I) will compile a document for everything. ... sp=sharing

I'll let you guys know when we've got a finished document.

I know its incomplete yet, but i'm surprise that RMT trading is the least of your group's concern. To me, the RMT issue is way more apparent than the pot-not-consumed-when-eat-while-moving issue. Those who play MMO will find it awkward that there is no dealing inside the game, and the in-game currency is useless for trading between players. Sure can say give some time and let players get used to the Onigiri's system, but still RMT is a big deal if wanna make this game truly players friendly. The way i see it is like flying up the motto "if you have no money then sorry this game is not for you".

I'm not even sure if Onigiri is a free online game anymore, because of the heavy dependency on RMT as one part of the game system, unlike other MMOs that only utilizes RMT for mostly optional items that players can skipped. I can accept RMT for buying cash items.. but making it a must for dealing between players for every single items in game?

Ops.. in b4 you said this is something that you guys already discussed and i made useless post by repeating the point again :roll:
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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby Ryxa » 07 Oct 2014, 17:49

KonaKona wrote:
Ryxa wrote:We (Rhythm, Akatsuki Kai, Freesia, and I) have spoken to WEDGE and he's interested in some of the suggestions we have. We (Probably will end up being Rhythm and I) will compile a document for everything. ... sp=sharing

I'll let you guys know when we've got a finished document.

I know its incomplete yet, but i'm surprise that RMT trading is the least of your group's concern. To me, the RMT issue is way more apparent than the pot-not-consumed-when-eat-while-moving issue. Those who play MMO will find it awkward that there is no dealing inside the game, and the in-game currency is useless for trading between players. Sure can say give some time and let players get used to the Onigiri's system, but still RMT is a big deal if wanna make this game truly players friendly. The way i see it is like flying up the motto "if you have no money then sorry this game is not for you".

I'm not even sure if Onigiri is a free online game anymore, because of the heavy dependency on RMT as one part of the game system, unlike other MMOs that only utilizes RMT for mostly optional items that players can skipped. I can accept RMT for buying cash items.. but making it a must for dealing between players for every single items in game?

Ops.. in b4 you said this is something that you guys already discussed and i made useless post by repeating the point again :roll:

Ryxa wrote:I've still got another 30ish or 40ish things to categorize and I still need to comb through the forums again to add anything new.

RMT falls into this category. Like I said, that was just a quick preview.
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Re: Onigiri's Sustainability - An Analysis of Playerbase Dec

Postby Argentum » 08 Oct 2014, 09:37

i wouldnt even see something like RMT as a real issue. why? because there is nothing to be traded to begin. and the stuff that could actually be worth alot of in game currency would also sell in the RMT without a second thought because people would need to use RMC for the upgrades anyways.

it just makes more sense to adress other things first. for more reasons than this one, too. think about it: RMT is part of the business modell and you want to adress the companys business modell? possibly just remove RMT alltogether with a non professional explanation why they should do that? i wish you good luck in suggesting that and getting ANYTHING else realized that was written in the same document.
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