Miyamoto Musashi is the first partner that makes use of the T button, and also the first partner with a secondary bar, as seen in the image below.
This yellow bar is known as the vanguard swap meter, and, when filled, it will flash. Once its full, the player can press T, allowing them to switch places with Miyamoto Musashi temporarily by the means of a vanguard swap. That is, you can take control of her. She has her own customization skill set, she consumes less stamina when dashing, she can air dash, dash attack, and even air attack. In short, she's what the game would be... if it was more action based.
The image below shows the vanguard swap duration indicator. Each half circle represents 30 seconds of duration.
Her primary weapon is a sword, although she can use two at times. Many of her skills are reflective of this, and either involve dashes, or long combos.
Unlike regular partners, she does not have her HP gradually drain over time.
Obtaining Miyamoto Musashi
Nyankoropon is the only way. In Japan, she was only available for a limited time, so unfortunately, it'll probably be the same here on the US server. However, they have not announced how long she will be available yet. That said, when you roll Miyamoto Musashi, you are given a summoner scroll, which goes into your inventory. Clicking this summoner scroll will allow you to obtain her. Unlike Gold-tier prizes, Miyamoto Musashi can be rolled multiple times, which comes with an array of benefits. For every additional summoner scroll, Miyamoto Musashi will be boosted a few levels, and will gain a few bonuses. More on this is explained in the section below.
Friendship and Awakening Levels
Miyamoto Musashi has two separate types of levels, friendship levels and awakening levels.
Friendship levels are obtained by feeding Miyamoto Musashi weapons. She can only take weapons that are somewhat near her level range, or higher, meaning that lower level weapons will give her less friendship as she becomes a higher level. Higher friendship levels also provide the player with additional skills and stats. However, these stats only apply when you perform a vanguard swap.
Awakening levels can be obtained by activating more summoner scrolls. These allow Miyamoto Musashi to gain bonuses that she would otherwise not be able to have. Vanguard swap has a base duration of 60 seconds, but this increases by 30 seconds for every additional scroll used, up to a maximum of 3 minutes, or 180 seconds.
Likewise, she only starts with one weapon, but gains another per scroll, up to a max of 4.
The 5th scroll grants her a final awakening level, which allows you to generate portions of the vanguard swap bar twice as fast.
Each scroll also gives Miyamoto Musashi friendship 10 levels, without you needing to feed her any additional weapons. This bonus applies even after the 5th scroll, up to her maximum of 100.
Weapons and Skills
The player is able to customize each of the skills on Miyamoto Musashi. All of her offensive skills range from rank 5 to rank 7.
The skill menu is shown below, it can be accessed by clicking on the "Edit Skills" tab.
She is able to use the following offensive skills:
- Empty Sky Slash
- Sacred Strike
- Double Edged Cut
- Phoenix Slash
- Dust Storm Blast
- Lightning Slash
- Collapsing Blade
- Icicle Massacre
- Tornado Drop
- Heavenly Flash of Retribution (Blue Fang Blade on steroids)
- Heavenly Strike of Soulbinding (Lunge forwards, then backwards)
- Heavenly Blossom War (Twin Blade Stash on steroids)
- Ougi Crimson Flame Blast Smash
- Ougi Death from the Heavens (Enma + 5th Ougi on Odachi)
- Ougi Heavenly Eternal War (Fuujin's Circle Dance on steroids)
- Ougi Heavenly Void - Scroll of Sheltering (Medi + defense)
- Ougi Heavenly Void - Scroll of Aggression (Attack + CF)
- Ougi Heavenly Void - Scroll of Skill (Atk speed + range)
As per everything else in the game, she is only able to put ougi on the last two slots.
So, how do you pick what you want? How do you decide? The answer is well... simple, really. First of all, her unique skills are all generally superior to regular sword skills. Her damage also scales exceptionally well with rank. Her rank 7 skills do more than double what her rank 5 skills do. Hence, it only makes sense to choose her highest rank unique skills. However, this does not mean that you shouldn't use others.
Feel free to take what you like; if you want triple BFB, go for it. Do whatever you want; it's just like how you should customize your own actual weapons to your own liking.
Note that the "number remaining" refers to the number of times that you are allowed to change her skills on that specific weapon. You start with a default number, which increases as she levels up. Note that every 10 levels, this number resets to whatever it's current maximum is, meaning that if you use all of these charges at level 19, then level your Miyamoto Musashi to 20, she will have her maximum number of available swaps once again. At level 100, she stores 15 charges per weapon.
Note that you are able to replenish these charges for 1 OC each, meaning a weapon with zero would cost 15 OC to fully replenish with a level 100 Miyamoto Musashi.
That should pretty much cover everything important about Miyamoto Musashi that you need to know. Feel free to post any questions below.
Oh and one last thing: she scales off of your stats after a vanguard swap.
How to actually use her:
1. Pull your "sword" out
2. Get Lube
3. Make use of her "sheath"