It's the moment that no-one has been waiting for:
Introducing Serenity Lunaria, my 6th and final female character. She's a Spear/Bow hybrid with a cowardly Kijimuna.
Also introducing Sora Seiun, my 6th and final male character. He's a Sword/Staff hybrid with a rare talking Kijimuna. I didn't even know you could get talking Kijimuna. "Fun" fact about Sora: his name is actually written 天体星雲, but as with the manga/anime series "Sora no Method" the 天体 part is pronounced "Sora" instead of "Tentai". I chose to do it that way not to be a dick, but because I think the alliteration sounds more poetic. Plus "Tentai" sounds too close to Hentai. On top of that "Tentai" is becoming an increasingly popular shorthand for "Tentacle Hentai". I don't want my character associated with that, so I went with the unorthodox pronuncuation instead.
You can now hate on me if you choose to do so. *Someone* is bound to. This is the internet after all, for everything that exists on the internet, there's someone who hates it.