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GM Field Boss Event

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GM Field Boss Event

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 18 Feb 2016, 19:45

I don't know if anyone else was there, but certainly I saw PrinterDesu for today's... fun. Started with notifications about GMs hiding somewhere in the world (GM Kushi and GM Cathmander as I recall) and then progressed to boss fights in the fields. For my part, I went to Kikaigahara, where there was a swarm of players taking on Beelzebub. Not that I could do much. Landed a few hits, healed a few people, resurrected a Level 20 player. Then I got hit with so much lag that the game crashed. So, I have no idea what was going on there, or if there's any kind of consolidation prize for participating. I heard some mention about Fever Time, but that was about it.

I was just wondering though: is this going to be a regular thing, or just every now and then? The hide and seek I can manage, but I doubt I'll even try doing the boss fights again until I finish building my new computer. I was seriously worried my laptop would just commit suicide from all the lag. I've never heard it make noises like that before. It'd be cool if this was a regular thing but... I mean there's a limit to what I can do if I keep getting lagged out of the game.

I *would* upload a screenshot of the game when it crashed, but the shot didn't save for some reason. Probably because of the crash actually. It was an insane fight though; mostly a never-ending chain of Ougi skills, and Beelzebub teleporting across half the field every few seconds. Aside from that Level 20 player, I think I might have been the lowest level there. Everyone else seemed to be 95+. They didn't seem to be lagging like I was either. There must have been about a dozen Izunas there as well, going by the familiar skills being used (like that Gedoumaru Viper. Had three of them fly through me simultaneously).
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Re: GM Field Boss Event

Postby Riddras » 19 Feb 2016, 14:13

Too bad I missed out on that one. Wasn't on at the time. I think cath mentioned that events will be more regular, but it won't necessarily be the same kind. The prize seems to be drops from the Kamikui, and the occasional fever time (I hope).

Here are some shots from previous event. Probably similar except for a lot more players (I had character settings down) and without all the Izunas:

This one's in Oosumi Plains North where the ground just started bugging out. I need a better pc too:
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Re: GM Field Boss Event

Postby Khaos Muffins » 19 Feb 2016, 15:06

I asked Cathmander to spawn in a Lucifer. I also have news on when that update will appear. According to her, CS is still translating that part, so no Oushuu Highlands Terminal/ Dark Sanctuary for some time. As for the Lucifer/ boss spawning events, it would be nice if there was a scheduled time.
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Re: GM Field Boss Event

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 19 Feb 2016, 19:13

Ah, so it was Tiamat there last year. It was Beelzebub this year. Odin was in Oosumi North, while there was an Ahriman in Oosumi South. I took on Beelzebub purely because it was closest for me, plus I'd solo'd Yomotsuhirasaka Hell earlier in the day, so I thought I could handle that. Kotori has Holy Pillar VI and Ougi Gargoyle Glacial Lance on one staff (along with Resurrection VII and Extended Heal GEKI VI), and Holy Pillar V on another (again, with Extended Heal GEKI VI). Not that my attacks seemed to make any difference. At the point when I lagged out: there was an Ougi getting activated 3-4 times a second. Which is probably the main cause of the lag out actually. So many Thunder Beasts. Printer was the only name I recognised, but there were at least 40 of us there, mostly above Level 110. Maybe next time I'll send in my main. Golden Eye +50 with Restriction GEKI has to count for something, right?
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Re: GM Field Boss Event

Postby Riddras » 20 Feb 2016, 21:17

@muffin: I'm all for a schedule if it means I don't miss out on in-game events. Though I suppose they wouldn't want players to just log in then out.

@helix: I had to turn down the settings too to prevent a bad combination of network and hardware lag, at least long enough to get the drops.
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Re: GM Field Boss Event

Postby Taakun » 21 Feb 2016, 01:18

Majority of the "boss" events aren't scheduled, and tend to occur whenever the GM's feel like it. I've seen about a dozen of these events so far and it's not limited to one boss per area. Usually at least one GM will spawn several different bosses (often multiple bosses at the same time) throughout the event. Anything from an invincible Tiamat in the rift to a dozen Oppenheimers, Kyoukotsu, Benkis, tentacle plant ladys, Death Scythes, etc.
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Re: GM Field Boss Event

Postby Riddras » 04 Mar 2016, 18:59

Did anybody go to the event? I'm happy the GMs are thinking about the players. Unfortunately I've been on an overseas trip and totally missed out on it =/
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Re: GM Field Boss Event

Postby Khaos Muffins » 04 Mar 2016, 20:29

I was there! Cathmander spawned in a giant eyeball, a cyclops and a giant ball of pubes
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Re: GM Field Boss Event

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 05 Mar 2016, 18:29

You said more or less the same thing on Discord the night it happened. I logged out about an hour or two before the event so I missed it completely. Maybe next time it'll be at a more UK friendly time.

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Re: GM Field Boss Event

Postby Riddras » 04 Aug 2016, 20:51

3rd field Boss event just ended! Plenty of bosses spawned and the occasional dc. I went to the Osoumi Plains South one where cathmander spawned Ahriman, Nue, Look Up Nyuudou, then Odin with Tiamat at the same time. Even the Oogama field boss joined in. I think Mikey was capturing video. Would love to see that. Here are some screenshots for my part:




Had time to go Izumo for the last spawns.

Thanks for the event guys~
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