Sleep cycle porked me in the chutney channel as usual, so I didn't have a lot of time for grinding through Kyoto. Oh well, fuck it. Anyways:
Slightly new look for Sora (new jacket and horns, Surcoat Soaring). First time I've played as him for about 2-3 weeks now, barring login calendar that is. He's doing okay for now, tearing up Oosumi region quite nicely.
My Sword/Staff hybrid's selfie.
Tomorrow I'll be playing as VR Nightmare (haven't done so for about 3-4 weeks). Need to get him into Yamataikoku and start tearing that place up. I'll also be playing as Dancer Lancer, who needs to thrash Yomotsuhirasaka before heading for Kyoto. I doubt I'll get him all the way there (though that depends on the side quests) but if I do, that'll be half my characters at Kyoto or beyond.