See, now this is why I'd love to be able to trade items between my own characters. Spirit Sabre could put this Haganemaru to good use. I also found a bunch of Beast Spears that Dancer Lancer would appreciate, Staves that Kotori and Sora could use, Bows for Albion and so on. But I think there's better odds of surviving a billion gunshots to the head than us getting trading between our own characters. Oh well, I'll just have to put whatever I keep to good use. Or try to anyway. I think Shizuka deserves a raise for this ID though. Not bad at all.
I'm not surprised Izuna's tired. I've been dragging her around Seki all day, raiding every surface dungeon on every difficulty, and then I brought her to the Nether, where we were immediately attacked by Death Scythe. What a warm welcome. It occured to me, while running Inaki Hell in a 5-man party, that I still suck. Died four times in that dungeon. Well, I'm almost ready to take on Youen Hell, so hopefully the Annapurna and Albatross I'm after in there will help me out. Need to try and get my mags ornamented too. That should make a difference. Better mags wouldn't hurt either. Inaki's probably the best place for Mango mags, based on the number of mobs in there.