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Vangaurd in action Oda vs. Lancelot

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Vangaurd in action Oda vs. Lancelot

Postby Wet,_wet » 27 Dec 2016, 20:27

Who's better? I want to go all in on one.
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Re: Vangaurd in action Oda vs. Lancelot

Postby Wibberish » 27 Dec 2016, 22:23

I guess I would go with Lancelot because she's more versatile element-wise, but what situation would warrant focusing solely on one of them?

How would you consciously go "all-in" on the one of your choice? It is very simple to get multiple partners to level 100 if you have at least 2 summoning scrolls for each. As for getting those summoning scrolls, both Oda and Lancelot are already unavailable from regular gachas, so it's not like you can choose one to aim for. If for some reason you wanted to build ideal magatama setups to specifically maximize a partner's potential, you would still need several different loadouts to match the situation whether you chose one partner or two. Even then, Oda can only do Flight/Fire/Dark damage, and Lancelot can only do Flight/Slice/Impact/Holy/Rain/Dark damage. I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish.
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Re: Vangaurd in action Oda vs. Lancelot

Postby Wet,_wet » 27 Dec 2016, 22:46

I want to choose one to 5 scroll when i say go all-in I'm also going to get extra scrolls incase of awakening even if its just a gamble. If it helps you to know which is the better choice I am bow so I'm automatically 2 scrolling Oda.
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Re: Vangaurd in action Oda vs. Lancelot

Postby Wet,_wet » 27 Dec 2016, 22:48

Plus I'm ps4 I still have a chance when they arrive.
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Re: Vangaurd in action Oda vs. Lancelot

Postby Wibberish » 28 Dec 2016, 00:19

Wet,_wet wrote:Plus I'm ps4 I still have a chance when they arrive.

Ah. Well, regardless of your weapon, definitely prioritize getting 2 oda accessories over anything else, as those things are depressingly unbalanced. You could also consider aiming for a 3rd Oda scroll as she has some powerful skills that require level 3 awakening. Lancelot also has some skills that unlock at level 3 awakening, mostly her holy element conversion buff.

I haven't used Oda extensively or tested Lancelot's blood sucker skills yet, but Oda seems to have significantly better mob clearing abilities while Lancelot would be better for most bosses.
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Re: Vangaurd in action Oda vs. Lancelot

Postby Burodi » 30 Dec 2016, 11:45

Wet,_wet wrote:Who's better? I want to go all in on one.

In my opinion they're both pretty much equal. Just difference in element Dark/fire vs Holy/Rain/Slice, Oda having massive amounts of skill force on every skill and being able to increase her stats on each one. Where Lancelot can turn all of her skills 100% Holy/Rain, and being a little bit faster on her movement speed and dashing.

End game Maps/Bosses:
Mare Imbrium - Bosses/Mobs like benkei are weak to rain/holy
Yamataikoku Underground Cavern - Most of those bosses are weak to or neutral Dark/fire.
Warding - Glacies Typhon(Fire/holy), Visual Odin(Dark), Aragami Magma(Rain), Logos Ahriman(Holy) and tons more being weak to dark/fire or Rain/holy. Lancelot Showcase Oda Showcase

In my opinion it just depends are your own play style and what elements you can use as an advantage.
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Re: Vangaurd in action Oda vs. Lancelot

Postby Miyano311 » 30 Dec 2016, 18:41

Burodi wrote: Visual Odin(Dark)

btw hes also neutral at rain... i believe :p
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