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Seath the Scaleless

Anything Onigiri related!

Seath the Scaleless

Postby Ralzaifon » 04 Jun 2014, 07:59

I'm completely new to this game and happened to notice something interesting in one of the videos featured on the site:

Compared to:

Seath the Scaleless. Indubitably, irrefutably, undeniably. Seath the Scaleless.

I'm not complaining, I love Dark Souls so much that words cannot begin to describe my joy at seeing him. Having never played the game before and seeing this clear influence, more than just a nod, it made me curious if the game has any other similarities. Briefly from the few seconds in the video it seems the Onigiri Seath shares the tail flapping of the Dark Souls one as well as its appearance.

I gather that this is an action mmorpg with an emphasis on avoiding being hit and can be played with a gamepad, but seath made me ponder just how far this idea has been taken. Will a well timed roll actually save you? Will enemies leap back or raise their shields occasionally (not necessarily literally)?

I'll play the game no matter what, I was just interested in others thoughts and opinions.
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Re: Seath the Scaleless

Postby Yukinari » 04 Jun 2014, 08:46

Oh wow, it IS Seath

And yeah, I often compare this game to Dark Souls, seeing as how much of the time you're emphasizing your dodging capabilities, as even in the first couple of dungeons, many of the monsters will kill you relatively quickly, although not nearly as quickly as DaS monsters do.
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Re: Seath the Scaleless

Postby Ralzaifon » 04 Jun 2014, 10:44

Yukinari wrote:Oh wow, it IS Seath

And yeah, I often compare this game to Dark Souls, seeing as how much of the time you're emphasizing your dodging capabilities, as even in the first couple of dungeons, many of the monsters will kill you relatively quickly, although not nearly as quickly as DaS monsters do.

Sounds great! If the dodge is actually any good though I'll probably rebind it if possible :S
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