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Titles on players MIA

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Titles on players MIA

Postby Wet,_wet » 06 Mar 2017, 18:13

So my friends and I have our eyes on a few titles that are full. How can we get them? Like do players who have quit get thier titles placed back into the pool after leaving for a certain time or is that locked forever unless they delete or title swap?
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Re: Titles on players MIA

Postby Wibberish » 06 Mar 2017, 21:56

As far as I know, players lose their title when they don't log in for a month.
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Re: Titles on players MIA

Postby AngelOfAnarchy » 08 Mar 2017, 08:37

Wibberish is correct. If you don't log in for a month, you have to go back to Ama and get your title again.
AngelOfAnarchy, level 126
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Re: Titles on players MIA

Postby Wet,_wet » 08 Mar 2017, 14:49

AngelOfAnarchy wrote:Wibberish is correct. If you don't log in for a month, you have to go back to Ama and get your title again.

Wibberish always correct :D
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Joined: 14 Jul 2016, 18:53

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