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Exp rates are 1/10th

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Re: Exp rates are 1/10th

Postby Kuurei » 08 Jun 2014, 20:25

Jung wrote:
Kuurei wrote:
Jung wrote:I hit level 50 in JP CBT (I think the exp rate matches the OBT one to some degree), and around 40-50 at least it was about 45 minutes a level strictly from grinding (quests ran out at that time).

Unless mob exp and quest exp jumps SIGNIFICANTLY near the end of Kyoto, I doubt it. Most people say in the Grind in JP starts about lv40 (which is about right, being barely under half the maximum level of 105), which is why the grind from 1 to 20 seems horrible in their eyes.

This is why I'm a little disappointed playing the CB for the English version, because the reason I could grind so fast was playing mage in the JP version. Being able to 1HKO mobs with Orb of Light in Sekigahara meant big EXP for the cost of 0 MP (my mana regen was so high, that the cost of Orb of Light was practically 0).

The strength of mage shined even at level 1 in JP, but here I felt like I hardly deal any damage compared to a 2H sword wielder.

TBH, wondering if mob weaknesses are broke, that or the translation is so bad what I'm thinking are weaknesses are actually resists.

I.E. Pain/Luck Darumas being "A bit Strong" against pierce damage.
[CBT]Erykka (Spearman)
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Re: Exp rates are 1/10th

Postby HongChina » 09 Jun 2014, 01:39

Hrm. I went through Kinshinin(I think that's the name? Chief Daruma dungeon) earlier today using a +10 Lv5 (Stone?) Battleaxe with skills I hadn't leveled at character level 8. It actually felt fairly normal, didn't feel like a cakewalk.

I think the feeling of "This is too easy" from going back and doing things your level is that you now have a +2873937 weapon with max level skills, which is what's making everything two-hit bosses. Mobs took 4-5 hits and it took me a few minutes to chop down the Chief

...It's really weird, because during Alpha I remember flipping tables in pure rage at how frustratingly hard the dungeon was.
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Re: Exp rates are 1/10th

Postby MaverickHunter » 09 Jun 2014, 06:43

Minato wrote:Only reason some people are okay with these exp rates is because they have no idea what's waiting for them at mid level content. Level cap is 105.

The game turns challenging at lv.30 with thousands of exp required per level and the game stops holding your hand with quests.

You're already forced to grind for hours starting at level 30-40, with 1/10th of exp expect to get one level every week, or a couple of days if you dont sleep.

hahaha <- I want to see them fighting against these level 70-75 mod and x100 and die from 1 hit in lv 35
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Re: Exp rates are 1/10th

Postby outofammo » 09 Jun 2014, 10:05

oh look now its 2/10 exp bravo bravo well played c$ you fuck up everything you touch im going back to jp onigurl
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Re: Exp rates are 1/10th

Postby Yuen » 09 Jun 2014, 13:38

This is a CBT. I assume rates are like this because we're just testing for early bugs since CBTs are usually short and not required/expected to go to max lvl within the CBT period. We're not to be playing the entire game, or they haven't completed the end game parts of the NA Onigiri for us to play yet which is why they restrict us with this EXP rate. That's for OBT which uses a different version build of the game and is more finished. Most likely rates will be normal there. You can't expect a complete game with all of the features in a CBT. Just like an Alpha, only a Beta phase.
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Re: Exp rates are 2/10th

Postby Reith » 09 Jun 2014, 17:01

In case anyone needs a visual record. Woooo we're at 2/10th exp. They really want to milk us if that's how much they jump. Boycott the cash shop, riot in the game.
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Re: Exp rates are 1/10th

Postby Aister » 09 Jun 2014, 17:48

now that exp rate are doubled, I find it's "acceptable". If you can ignore the fact that it's so early in the game, and those recommended level on dungeons, and the weapons required level...

...on second thought, I can't ignore the last part.......
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Re: Exp rates are 2/10th

Postby MaverickHunter » 09 Jun 2014, 21:22

Unfortunately they want a pay to win ...
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Re: Exp rates are 1/10th

Postby Doguso » 10 Jun 2014, 00:44

outofammo wrote:oh look now its 2/10 exp bravo bravo well played c$ you fuck up everything you touch im going back to jp onigurl

I'm pretty sure the double experience only effected dungeons/mobs. Quests still give an abysmal amount and in comparison to runs, are worthless. I'm sitting on about 10 quests at 24 and have no will to complete them as they give 500 to MAYBE 1000 exp for what would take me 30-40 mins.. when a 10 min run gives me 2k-3k exp. Which is still a small amount in comparison to the amount of exp needed to level...

If they don't up quests I might just switch to JP onigiri..
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Re: Exp rates are 1/10th

Postby Rezuga » 10 Jun 2014, 02:23

[Patch Note 2014/06/09]

Today, we've released the following patch:

- Exp rate is now doubled
Also please note that the US version will differ from the Alpha and JP version by following changes;
- Skill Extraction will require more Proficiency Levels for skills with higher difficulties - Youkai and Bosses are more balanced - Much lower chances of getting Bad Repairs (it more depends on the durability loss) - Failure in Smelting a weapon will not destroy it, but will just lower the durability
We are also considering of releasing some items that are not sold in JP version.

[Additional CBT Rewards]

We decided to give out some Onigiri Coins to everyone that achieved the following goals during the CBT:

Clear Yamataikoku : Get 10 OC ! (a dollar worth of cash!)
Reach Kyoto : Get 50 OC ! (5 dollars worth of cash!!)

Prizes will be sent to your account when the Official Service starts!

60 Onigiri coins will get you a 100% exp boost that lasts half an hour i think
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