I can say the translation is correct as far as my Japanese goes. Further down there's a table for required status points to increase an attribute (必要ステータスポイント), as well as one for status bonuses (ステータスボーナス) which are determined by your character's type (Power, Defensive, Cautious, Kind, Daring) which in Japanese are 力持ち、堅実、慎重、慈愛、大胆 respectively. Basically it says that apart from the difference in starting attributes you also get bonuses along the way to the stronger attributes (Cautious gets more Wis and Dex, average Pow and Mnd, low Vit) which generally correlate to the stats which are higher initially.
The most valuable parts of the wiki are probably the Quests Page, this is for Kyoto
http://wikiwiki.jp/oni_giri/?%B5%FE and the Bestiary
http://wikiwiki.jp/oni_giri/?%A5%A8%A5%CD%A5%DF%A1%BC%B0%EC%CD%F7. You can find any quest item through this, with a Japanese keyboard and some ctrl+f (鬼瓦 for example), though those translated into English are harder to find (like Diamond Dust).