Heimarmene wrote:Oh yeah, I should probably mention there's a way to cheese the Tentouki so you don't have to spend an hour shooting him and running back every time. If you have Izuna, summon her and then shoot the Tentouki once before quickly rolling out of his aggro range. If it's done correctly, the Tentouki walks back to his place but Izuna starts to run towards him. When this happens, follow Izuna so that she's about 15-16 meters away from you and watch as she smacks the Tentouki to death while he's completely oblivious to being attacked.
It'll save A LOT of durability on your wands/bows
Miyano311 wrote:Is it still possible to stun Satan?
Khaos Muffins wrote:Miyano311 wrote:Is it still possible to stun Satan?
I dont know. Read this:
Yada yada yada
lv = 105
status = createEnemyStatus(105, 12000, 100, 0, 127, 120, 88, 70, 82).setSecondaryStatusPrms({hp=6043402,slashAttr=20,strikeAttr=20,thrustAttr=20,fireAttr=60,iceAttr=-20,elecAttr=100,darkAttr=80,holyAttr=-60,waterAttr=60,windAttr=80,earthAttr=-20,}) // Lv.105:サタン
exp = 97204
dropMoney = 120084
visibleDist = ::EnemySetting.Variation.VISIBLE_DIST_LONG
stun = 500
protections = [
yada yada yada
Iku Nagae wrote:
1: He's only weak to Dark. If the Hiraga Gennai quest is still available by the time you're reading this, have her leveled up to the point where she can access Collapsing Blades. Put all three main slots into those and wail on him.
Iku Nagae wrote:Because I fucking hate Aobozou, but some people might want a few tips for this Shimmering Forest boss.
1: He's only weak to Dark. If the Hiraga Gennai quest is still available by the time you're reading this, have her leveled up to the point where she can access Collapsing Blades. Put all three main slots into those and wail on him.
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