Anywayz, juz whisper me for the group invites.
Count me in as well if there's already an available groups.
I understand how you guyz feel where you guyz stand like a STATUE watchin people go "In & Out" in front of Arcane Dungeons in Underground Caverns.
Even soloing those dungeons feels like forever and can be quiet boring & stuff...

Can even help kill Mephistopheles herself.
Might as well make a group for you shy peoplez and be talkative and support each other.
Can work together killin da boss & stuff.(I'm always at Underground Cavern anywayz, tired of soloing since party is much faster)
Can share tips as well.
Those that have mounts are also WELCOMED to join & help us!!!

Since we REALLY~ need the Bulldozer Power to make it easier for us XP