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[Guide] Boss Strategies

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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby maxwell3094 » 04 Aug 2017, 16:43

Believe it or not I am in fact still alive and for whatever reason I decided to check in on this game again. After playing around with some of the new stuff (mainly the EZ grind mode that is warding lel.) I got around to progressing again. Guide has been updated up to Atake. I also stumbled upon Fuujin and Raijin and grabbed their images while checking out some of the random new things that popped up while I was gone. Since their recommended dungeon levels are 100 I put their images up right before Tengu since I don't really know where they would normally fall in terms of progression and iirc the 2 Nakawhatever dungeons are at about that level. Dunno when ill bother doing them but ill get around to it sooner or later.
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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby Firon » 04 Aug 2017, 20:07

maxwell3094 wrote:Believe it or not I am in fact still alive and for whatever reason I decided to check in on this game again.

Welcome back and it's nice to see a guide being updated.
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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby Miyano311 » 05 Aug 2017, 03:20

maxwell3094 wrote:Believe it or not I am in fact still alive and for whatever reason I decided to check in on this game again.

...and I was thinking about continuing your work.

maxwell3094 wrote:He trades in his laser eye beam attacks in exchange for a giant fucking meteor

No hes not... I remembered getting hit by the eye beam.

Also I believe its Daiba KAZE, not Daiba Kabe.
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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby maxwell3094 » 05 Aug 2017, 04:08

I'm glad to know that if I ever stop doing these someone else would be willing to take over honestly. This thread was never really intended to be only my strategies in the first place even though I'm too lazy to update the op with stuff from others most of the time. I'm surprised the boss hidregami kept its eye laser. I bothered clearing out the trash and throughout doing that and then fighting him he never used it once so I assumed he lost it. As for Daiba it's possible the in game name and/or bestiary entry use kaze unlike the boss image which looks much more like a B and looking on the wiki it seems like they do. Go figure. No matter how I look at that 3 in the image I can't see it as a z either. That aside thanks for the correction. To keep it inline with his wiki entry ill change it over to kaze
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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby Miyano311 » 05 Aug 2017, 04:34

maxwell3094 wrote: I also stumbled upon Fuujin and Raijin and grabbed their images while checking out some of the random new things that popped up while I was gone. Since their recommended dungeon levels are 100 I put their images up right before Tengu since I don't really know where they would normally fall in terms of progression and iirc the 2 Nakawhatever dungeons are at about that level. Dunno when ill bother doing them but ill get around to it sooner or later.

Just remember something. Fuujin and Raijin are not directly related to the storyline and their dungeons pretty much are available when you reach Izumo more or less I believe. They do lead us to a great event though... in 2 weeks time... Probably
Last edited by Miyano311 on 08 Aug 2017, 01:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby maxwell3094 » 07 Aug 2017, 23:40

Dragon Ark and Keiju no Kimi are added. Note that they have taken over my 2nd post rather than being in the op as it turns out I've finally reached the character limit. Between the fetch quest hell that was Tanegashima and the difficulty spike that has been the moon (mass produced Benkei can go die in a fire.) progression may have slowed but it is still happening. Or was. The quest to craft 5 of that magatama is cancer so expect bosses from later in the story to take a while. I'll probably end up getting around to the wind and thunder ponies before that nightmare is done.
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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby maxwell3094 » 13 Aug 2017, 08:18

Since getting the orange marble magatamas needed for the main quest is apparently The Worst Fucking Thing Ever and I've now got nothing better to do after using my log in boost to try and get the accursed things I've started playing around with some of the optional stuff. Raijin and the Sleetsword Gargoyle have been added. Fuujin, fire garg, and lightning garg are next on the to do list so expect those soonish. Probably once the ice one feels like giving me the right weapon recipe (so many odachi recipes. RNJesus wry.) or the next time one of them has a reward up in effect while the ice one doesn't. Also note that I decided to move the ponies down to the bottom instead of being with the Nakawhatever bosses. I've made a section specifically for optional bosses rather than trying to figure out about how difficult I think they are and where in the main progression they should fit in.
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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby Miyano311 » 14 Aug 2017, 02:15

Raijin is weak against Mountain too. Also Fuujin is weak against Ice and Lightning.

EDIT: Forgot to put some info regarding Gargoyle. All 3 of them (Infernal, Levilance, Sleetsword) are almost the same, the differences are their element strength/weakness and attack animation. AND seems like you didnt add this attack: The Garg can launch an aoe which is literally the ougi we get from Garg weapon (it even has the ougi sound, with probably wider range)
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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby maxwell3094 » 14 Aug 2017, 09:31

Good to know about the weaknesses. I noticed the lightning weakness myself since it seemed logical to assume they would both be weak to each others element but not the ice or mountain ones. I'll go ahead and quote that in their sections. As for the gargs yeah I've noticed that they all seem functionally the same more or less. Even the animations are honestly not noticeably different. The only real difference I've seen is that one slam down move. Ice freezes everything, lightning creates a little lasting shock circle which is more cute than anything, and fire...poor fire doesn't even get a slam move of his own. Sucks to be him I guess. I haven't bothered trying fire or lightning on hard yet so I'll put off adding them until after I do so in case there's anything radically different about them there compared to ice but it seems like I'll be fine just referring people to the Sleetlance strategy.

As for elements at this point I'm basically just assuming everyone is looking up boss weaknesses on the wiki which they should be if they aren't already because trying to power through a boss using an element he resists at this point in the game is hell and should not be attempted unless your a masochist. In fact now that I'm typing this I think I'll just change the part where I say you should target the Oshu bosses weakness to say something like "from this point onward you really should be looking up a bosses weaknesses on the wiki and targeting them." I think I'll even just put that line before the first Edo boss. In retrospect that's likely one of the main factors that contributed to them taking me so damn long to kill since it's not really something I paid much attention to at the time not to mention I don't think we had the neat feature back then where the amount of damage you do is colored to show how resistant the boss was to the attack.

Regarding the missing move I think I know what move your talking about at least for the ice one since that's the one I've been doing mainly and if it's the move I think it is there's a simple reason I didn't include it. It's just not worth bringing up for wand users like myself. (And by extension probably bow users too.) A side effect of putting these together with ranged users in mind instead of melee is that most of any given bosses short range moves only really get a passing mention and even then usually just to say "hey don't be in melee range." To give you a bit of a reference one fight with him takes me about 20 minutes. In those 20 minutes I maybe see that move once if that and because of my general policy to avoid being in melee range I've almost always already avoided it by just having been backing away without seeing any move incoming. Yes being trapped in that circle of ice spikes is probably one of if not his most devastating move for melee users but with ranged its a non-issue. Since it's a whatever move that really shouldn't be killing us I can't offer up any meaningful countermeasure to the people it actually probably does threaten. That being a dangerous move that requires a countermeasure is just too foreign to my own experiences so it's the sort of thing where I just trust that at this point in the game the reader has enough competency that it shouldn't trouble them either and if they don't then they should be getting that competency instead of fighting this boss. I didn't mention a number of gargoyle moves like the jumping slam attack or the ball spread they can fire from the ground for the same reason that they should be negligible to ranged users at this point in the game. Kind of like how in my Satan strategy I said something like "If you have trouble dodging a line did you get this far?" which was basically me politely saying "If this move gives you trouble you need to git gud because your bad and don't belong in this fight yet." For that matter you can see this same principle behind my decisions to just outright skip a number of the bosses that came immediately after Oshu which you can accurately infer as me saying that if you can't deal with them on your own at this point in the game you don't deserve to progress yet. Which again is maybe not entirely fair to melee characters but then I do state upfront at the beginning of the guide that if someone is a melee character I probably can't help them so *shrug*. Rather than try to guess about what the best way for them to deal with a thing is and give them half assed tips I've essentially decided to let them fend for themselves or ideally for someone else to come along and do this guide but for melee instead. If parts or the entirety of any given bosses ranged strategy I've done happen to also be applicable to melee classes great if not oh well is my general stance on it.

Regardless I've gotten distracted going off on this tangent which serves no purpose other than to maybe give you some insight into how I put my strategies together so back to the move in question. Now if by chance the ice prison thing isn't the move your talking about (It just seems like the most ougi kind of move he has so that's why I'm guessing your talking about it.) then I can only assume your talking about a hell mode specific move because I don't think I've seen him use it which would put it beyond the scope of this guide.
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Re: [Guide] Boss Strategies

Postby Miyano311 » 14 Aug 2017, 20:02

maxwell3094 wrote:
Regarding the missing move I think I know what move your talking about at least for the ice one since that's the one I've been doing mainly and if it's the move I think it is there's a simple reason I didn't include it. It's just not worth bringing up for wand users like myself. (And by extension probably bow users too.) A side effect of putting these together with ranged users in mind instead of melee is that most of any given bosses short range moves only really get a passing mention and even then usually just to say "hey don't be in melee range." To give you a bit of a reference one fight with him takes me about 20 minutes. In those 20 minutes I maybe see that move once if that and because of my general policy to avoid being in melee range I've almost always already avoided it by just having been backing away without seeing any move incoming. Yes being trapped in that circle of ice spikes is probably one of if not his most devastating move for melee users but with ranged its a non-issue. Since it's a whatever move that really shouldn't be killing us I can't offer up any meaningful countermeasure to the people it actually probably does threaten. That being a dangerous move that requires a countermeasure is just too foreign to my own experiences so it's the sort of thing where I just trust that at this point in the game the reader has enough competency that it shouldn't trouble them either and if they don't then they should be getting that competency instead of fighting this boss. I didn't mention a number of gargoyle moves like the jumping slam attack or the ball spread they can fire from the ground for the same reason that they should be negligible to ranged users at this point in the game. Kind of like how in my Satan strategy I said something like "If you have trouble dodging a line did you get this far?" which was basically me politely saying "If this move gives you trouble you need to git gud because your bad and don't belong in this fight yet." For that matter you can see this same principle behind my decisions to just outright skip a number of the bosses that came immediately after Oshu which you can accurately infer as me saying that if you can't deal with them on your own at this point in the game you don't deserve to progress yet. Which again is maybe not entirely fair to melee characters but then I do state upfront at the beginning of the guide that if someone is a melee character I probably can't help them so *shrug*. Rather than try to guess about what the best way for them to deal with a thing is and give them half assed tips I've essentially decided to let them fend for themselves or ideally for someone else to come along and do this guide but for melee instead. If parts or the entirety of any given bosses ranged strategy I've done happen to also be applicable to melee classes great if not oh well is my general stance on it.

Regardless I've gotten distracted going off on this tangent which serves no purpose other than to maybe give you some insight into how I put my strategies together so back to the move in question. Now if by chance the ice prison thing isn't the move your talking about (It just seems like the most ougi kind of move he has so that's why I'm guessing your talking about it.) then I can only assume your talking about a hell mode specific move because I don't think I've seen him use it which would put it beyond the scope of this guide.

No I wasnt talking about the Ice prison... I even forgot about it :p
What I was talking is the aoe that, more or less, has charging animation similar to the freezing slam but waaay deadlier (you can perfect block the slam, but this? GTFO quick!) . And all 3 gargs have that.

And yeahhhh.... this is probably a hell mode move... I guess. I mean, I havent fought Gargs for a while...
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