UPDATE: Alright, I'm pretty sure at this point that CT means "cool time" meaning the amount of time until you can use something again. Stat chart now updated to complete the translation.
Link to JP Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/oni_giri/
WulfenKnight wrote:Thanks for trying too translate that but.. I feel it's abit off. Either by mis-translation(I have no idea how good your japanese is and i know i can't read the symbols at all xD) Or because the EN Version altered stats. Because for example Power adds too Crit aswell. And with vit and mind it's not very detailed as too what it does. Vit normally gives for example 6 Phy and 4 Magic. Mind is the reverse. some other things i'm not 100% sure on atm. But my guide in my sig has alot of this already. Tho it is abit off aswell. But in the next few days it will be alot better and nearly 100% accurate cause i'm uploading screenshots from several characters to show stuff.. just gotta crop pictures and figure out how too lay it out x.x
Otonashi wrote:I can say the translation is correct as far as my Japanese goes. Further down there's a table for required status points to increase an attribute (必要ステータスポイント), as well as one for status bonuses (ステータスボーナス) which are determined by your character's type (Power, Defensive, Cautious, Kind, Daring) which in Japanese are 力持ち、堅実、慎重、慈愛、大胆 respectively. Basically it says that apart from the difference in starting attributes you also get bonuses along the way to the stronger attributes (Cautious gets more Wis and Dex, average Pow and Mnd, low Vit) which generally correlate to the stats which are higher initially.
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