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Drunken Guide, Somber Writer

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Drunken Guide, Somber Writer

Postby Dorayaki » 03 Jul 2014, 06:56

I. Stat Attribute
  • Power: Primary for Damage and HP, adds little bit of HP Regen.
  • Vitality - Primary for HP Regen and Physical Defense, adds little bit of HP.
  • Wisdom - Primary for Damage and SP, adds little bit of SP Regen. Hidden ability of increasing Casting speed.
  • Mind - Primary for SP Regen and Magical Defense, adds little bit of SP and Physical Defense.
  • Dexterity - Primary for Critical Chance (Every 12 points) and Skill Cooldown Reduction (Every 10 points).

II. Personality & "Class"
Defensive - Spear / Staff
Primary Stat for Spear -> Vitality
Primary Stat for Staff -> Mind

Note: Stat set for Spear Onimushas (Oni Warrior), its balance in VIT for HP/P.DEFENSE and MIND for SP/M.DEFENSE+SPREGEN allows for a Onimusha to spam Spear skills and absorb damage through the combination of 2 stats that give defense and HP/HP Regen and SP/SP Regen.

Daring- Axe, Bow, Dual Swords, Katana, Oodachi
Primary Stat for Axe - Power
Primary Stat for Bow - Dexterity
Primary Stat for Dual - Dexterity
Primary Stat for Katana - Power
Primary Stat for Oodachi - Power

Note: Stat set for Zerker Onimushas, this is essentially placing POWER/CRITICAL above all else. This is for pure burst damage, and is the one of the 2 option sets for A/B/D/K/O. Naturally squishy, this is for ADVANCED PLAYERS ONLY or for CASH SHOP PLAYERS.

Power - Axe, Katana, Oodachi, Spear
Primary Stat for Axe -> Power
Primary Stat for Katana -> Power
Primary Stat for Ooadchi -> Power
Primary Stat for Spear -> Vitality

Note: Stat set for Blade Onimushas, this is one of the 2 option sets for Close Combat. Combination of POWER + VITALITY allows you to stay alive in close quarters while dealing damage.

Cautious - Bow, Dual Sword, Wand
Primary Stat for Bow -> Dexterity
Primary Stat for Dual Sword -> Dexterity
Primary Stat for Wand - Wisdom

Note: Stat set for Range Onimushas, this is one of the 2 option sets for BOW/DS/Wand for Ranged Combat. Combination of DEX + VIT allows for a mix of damage and defense for Bow/DS. For Wand, this is the Damage / HP+HP Regen route or Damage / Critical route.

Kind - Wand, Staff
Primary Stat for Staff - Mind
Primary Stat for Wand - Wisdom

Note: this is one of the 2 option sets for Wand, and this set is about Damage + SP/SP Regen. For staff, this is the best stat set as it combines SP (WISDOM), Casting Speed Increase (WISDOM), SP Regen (Mind), and Defense (Mind).

III. Chakra
Chakra defines the amount of Magatamas you can put on. You can somewhat overshoot the limit but overall you cannot equip a magatama that exceeds your current Chakra limit (IE: 27/32) listed next to Chakra.

LEFT (Increases your Elemental Damage) ->
LIGHTNING (Electric)

RIGHT (Weapon Proficiency) ->
Dual Sword

V. Final Notes
F2P vs Cash shop - In JP the durability of weapon and Smithing success rates divided the players into either F2P route or CS route. However, since that has been changed in NA the routes are not based on above 2 (Due to constant need of changing weapons + smithing them to stay constantly equal); Its now based on how you want to progress through the game with current XP Rates + Solo/Party style.

For Weapons -
F2P Route ->
Solo: Spear 2 VIT / 1 MIND
Spears offer the best in Solo play as it offers you focus on defense with decent damage from spear skills.

Party: Staff 2 MIND / 1 WIS , Wand 2 WIS / 1 MIND
Essentially being Healer or Mage, this is the best in Party play as you can either switch in between the 2 without being in the frontlines.

Cash shop ->
Anything other than those 3 above. The difference is survival vs damage. While you can play damage in F2P, the dungeon/mob difficulty does increase without warning and there is no warnings of high damage attacks; Essentially like running MCHM with a Lv1 Elin in a example view (To non-Tera players ignore that). You can go damage route more using real money to boost your way and give yourself a better self revive (max of 10 CS revives compared to 3 freebies) and better ranking (As you do not use the 3 freebie revives) without having to worry about dying and more on how much you can kill before dying. At the same time, Cash shop players can keep their preferred partner out in the field more with prayer crystals, enable 400% EXP boost, and increase Gold Drop Rate. They also have access to Potions that can do outstanding healing. The biggest boon is that to do more damage, as damage is life you need to Smith. Smithing rates will drop at 20+ and you need the charms. For charms you have Lucky boxes, however the best source is Cash shop and those who are willing to pay will more than likely have the best weapons ingame.

While some of the items can be earned through Lucky boxes, its drop rate is rather pitiful so spending real money is the best way for optimal dungeon/PT runs. (This again divides the players into "Are you Freebie or Payer?" "To Pay, or not to Pay"

I. Guild
There is no Guild system in this game.

II. Levelling
A) PARTY - Do dungeons with a party or hunt mobs with a party.
B) DUNGEON - Pop a EXP Boost and run dungeons equal or higher than your level. Optimal runs are dungeons with no boss or weak bosses
C) ????

III. Crafting Recipe
Rare drops from Hell mode Dungeons. (or Hard difficulty as Tekato writes.)
Last edited by Dorayaki on 04 Jul 2014, 03:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Drunken Guide, Somber Writer

Postby Tekato » 03 Jul 2014, 20:45

Recipes may drop in hard mode aswell
Lv 115 Twinsword
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Re: Drunken Guide, Somber Writer

Postby Ryxa » 04 Jul 2014, 00:29

I upvote this guide.
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Re: Drunken Guide, Somber Writer

Postby Tekato » 04 Jul 2014, 02:45

Bring it to the roof awww yisss \o/
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Re: Drunken Guide, Somber Writer

Postby Dorayaki » 04 Jul 2014, 04:22

Will update more once I get time. Adding dungeon loot guide and possibly skill guide among other stuff.. Zz
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Re: Drunken Guide, Somber Writer

Postby Franchi » 07 Jul 2014, 01:46

great guide sums it all up... (v O .O)/ must be on sticky or sumthin!
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Re: Drunken Guide, Somber Writer

Postby Kurios » 09 Jul 2014, 00:24

Essentially like running MCHM with a Lv1 Elin in a example view

love the reference
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