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RE: Feedback and Suggestions

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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby Akirro » 09 Jul 2014, 04:43

I got a suggestion aswell - I am unsure if it have been said or not though.

The chat:
- Either merge Party / whisper, or make them "glow" when you are in a different tab and get a message. Say im looking a party chat, and get a whisper, make the tab glow, to indicate i have a whisper.

- Another solution could be an option to remove the "general" feature or something like that. (or simply "make a tab yourself"), like it can be done in several other mmo's - so i can choose what to see ie. "Party, whisper, say, general" and so on.

I am missing countless whispers / party messages, due to the "inventory is full" spam / simply being in another tab, which is slightly annoying.

(Edit) Now were talking about "community" stuff - another feature i find missing is the option to put a "note" on people on my friendlist. I simply cant remember people's levels, "classes" and such, would be a nice option to have.
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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby Zuhah » 09 Jul 2014, 12:13

thx for the respond
- i guess you guys must check looking at tsujigami skil range
- about def magatamas our best def magatamas are in 1.5k and 2k def range sounds good doesnt it? wel it sounds good but the problem is the chakra cost are realy high for them and it doesnt make a realy difference using 1.5k def maga stil getting 1 hitted at hell mode dont use 1.5k maga you stil getting 1 hitted so it doesnt make any diference i wil suggest to lower the chakra cost for them ore higher there def i even think sometimes those def magatamas are broke lol
and some other suggestions i now remember

-1024/1280 fullscreen
- higher the identify cap 20 weap per identify is low
- nerf literature magatama (haters gona hate) +1 %90 skilforce is to overpowered and makes everybody to use only spear to lvl up remove it lower it or ad the same +1 %90 skilforce maga to other classes to like staf wand odachi bow etc..
- tax rates to high (and remove tax completely for 1 coin stuf)
-min prices to high e.e for most of +50 weap maga and stones
-most of the liquors at douyi are useles boost them up a bit note :im not talking about moonking e.e
-bug at potions hp sp sometimes they dont apply when you use it and neet to wait the cooldown for it again
- expanding inventory wih coins we have expanding storage for coins why not for inventory to ?
-higher paying options with sms
-mini games
-make those bargains at miroku realy rare buying friendship items doesnt look so rare to me -.-
-GM checking players like today happened was pretty good most of the games give them the cold shoulder when the GM only enter like ones each 6 months e.e i know you guys are busy with updates bug fixes new content etc. but at least make a GM visit the game each 2 3 days for like 10 min to check people out and hear what the players says and wants about the game
Last edited by Zuhah on 12 Jul 2014, 00:32, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby Courina » 09 Jul 2014, 14:12

Rufei wrote:Decrease xp booster influence. +400% is truly ridiculous. Keep the XP rate though - otherwise we blaze through content too fast.

pretty sure lot ppl recently complaint about the exp gain is terrible, and here i thought their intention doin that so we who dont like grind forced to buy exp boost...
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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby Xero » 09 Jul 2014, 17:06

I like how ALOT of all the suggestions replies are in some form of "We'll look into it" kind of thing. From my experience with playing different kinds MMOs, this reply usually means that they'll look at it and perform a very minor change months and some times a year into the future.

I'm giving this a one-time benefit of the doubt, but if it happens like the other MMOs I have played, I will simply be disappointed and probably stop playing for a while.
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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby Angelfire » 09 Jul 2014, 20:37

I would appreciate the ability to choose which partner character becomes romantically interested in yours during the course of the story, though I realize that would involve a lot more coding and variations. It seems like the story line is heading that way with the shogunates daughter, and to be honest I kind of wish I could turn it off XD; "friendship" was way better.

It would also be nice if we could choose the same gender for a pairing. I'm probably going to get trolled for it but I'd rather have the choice to have a male x male pairing, lol.
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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby Cookies » 10 Jul 2014, 15:27

Angelfire wrote:I would appreciate the ability to choose which partner character becomes romantically interested in yours during the course of the story, though I realize that would involve a lot more coding and variations. It seems like the story line is heading that way with the shogunates daughter, and to be honest I kind of wish I could turn it off XD; "friendship" was way better.

It would also be nice if we could choose the same gender for a pairing. I'm probably going to get trolled for it but I'd rather have the choice to have a male x male pairing, lol.

I-I like you. :c

on topic: I'd love if there was an "ignore," or "mail," feature, and if items can be sold for ryou as well.
Last edited by Cookies on 13 Jul 2014, 08:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby MxnPride » 11 Jul 2014, 00:16


Ougi Skills -

(What is wrong) - Unable to extract the skill which is ridiculous since we will always want to change it to another weapon of choice when we find a better weapon. I think its crazy since the Ougi Skills are a gamble to get therefore best to make it extractable.

(How to fix this) - Make it extractable, it will allow players to sell Ougi Skills through weapons and ability to use same Ougi Skill on different weapons every time. BUT to prevent lose of profits you can either charge a fee with CS to extract Ougi Skills or a special item. Therefore you still make profit and everyone will be happy.

(Opinion) - I think with the fee/item it will work out well its just honestly why do we have to gamble EVERY time for a new Ougi Skill? We can also buy it from another player BUT they would still have to pay for the fee/item to extract the skill. It could cause problems since people can extract and put on different type of weapons but like I said they still have to pay the fee/item.
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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby Raijin » 11 Jul 2014, 00:26

I apologize, for I am posting this a 2nd time, the first time unsure if it failed to submit or not, so I am truly sorry if I double posted.
Please forgive me, thank you.
I'm sorry but i'm new here, so unsure if i'm allowed to share my suggestion or not.
Before I suggest anything though, I would like to request a few fixes first?
There's a run delay issue when coming to a complete stop which makes it difficult to move around in-game.
I ask kindly for this to be fixed as soon as possible, I thought at first it was lag until I noticed everyone doing it.
Another request is a hide players option, if one area has too many players gathered it causes lag issues which makes us "error" lag out, disconnected. I've experienced this lag error, disconnection, multiple times today, that's why I ask this so no one else has to experience it.
Now my suggestions,
-Color Customize for outfits(Costs Ryou in Beauty Salon, cost depending on what colors chosen).
-Interactive clothing, such as hoods(Click hoods in clothing equip section to take off and put on).
-Assassin-like coat with a hood, would be nice.
-The option to Walk instead of Running.
-Edit, Remove, Add chat tabs
-When not fighting, allow us to carry weapons on our backs or waist depending what kind of weapon it is.

-Enable Trading with friends, where both parties must agree or disagree for a safe trade.(Ryou cannot be traded, my opinion).
(Important)Reason why i'm against trading Ryou is because in other MMO's, "bots", known as "Gold-sellers" attack and infect the player community, which destroys the player-base, which needs to be avoided.

-Fist Fighting, fighting without a weapon, we can remove our weapons, yet unable to fight.(Optional suggestion)
-Emotes(Dancing, laughing, flexing, etc.)
-Couple system(Couples get a shared storage option, and extra Exp when doing dungeons together).
-Wolf Ears for male players(Female players got Fox ears & tails, it's only fair).

I know someone else suggested these already but, i'll say them anyways.

~Player Suggestion by Kira
-Realistic sitting(Such as sitting on a chair, or on stairs).
-Transparent map(Allows us to see where we're going, as we have the map opened).
-Increase jump height(Not supportive of this, my opinion).
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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby SupremeTentacle » 11 Jul 2014, 12:52

What about something similar to ryou/exp boosters...

But for item drop rate?
Selling all of my gear for ~40% of its market value!
~4 lv. 108 to 115 weapons remaining
Some skill card 7's, ougi, orna'd maga and other stuff too!
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Re: RE: Feedback and Suggestions

Postby KittyKat » 11 Jul 2014, 15:32

Just a minor suggestion. Currently when we sell materials in the bazaars, if we don't sell them I stacks of 1, the min price increases. I don't really know how to explain, but it would be nice to be able sell like Miroku, where the customer can choose how much of the material they want instead of buying the entire stack. Like, for example, someone is selling small getas. There are 5 small getas in the stack. I only want to buy one, but with the current system, I have to buy 5. It would be nice to be able to choose the amount. Sorry. Don't know how to explain better.
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