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Got this game the other day and...

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Got this game the other day and...

Postby Demotheus » 11 Jul 2014, 05:21

And I have to say this game is one of the best MMO's I've ever played. I played it from 6pm to 4am, slept for two hours, dropped my 4 year old brother off at his baby sitters, then came home and played another 5 hours before I had to /do/ things.

Thanks mom...

Anyhow, I'm loving it so far, though everything I've done has been solo. I do have a few questions.

Is there/has there/will there be any sort of PvP? If I'm correct, this game is still in beta but I haven't looked much into the development...too busy playing. Had to tear myself away from the game to write this, to be honest.

Will there be guilds at any point? Are there already but i've somehow missed it?

Will the party system be less confusing? Sometimes I see people wanting to party up for a dungeon run, and most of the time I can't figure it out. They go into the dungeon, I'm in their party, and I try to go into the same dungeon but a lot of the time I don't know which difficulty they chose, and if I do it often times ends up with me having to leave the party because they went in before me or some crap and it won't let me instance with them.

That's all I could think of off of the top of my head. I do have to say early magic casting from what I've seen is trash tier.

Oh, and another thing : it doesn't say as far as I can tell, but I feel like the more I do basic attacks on enemies my mana regenerates faster. I'm not sure if it applies to health as well, (if it does it's certainly to a lesser extent). Is there any merit to this?
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Joined: 10 Jul 2014, 09:27

Re: Got this game the other day and...

Postby xMoMoChi » 11 Jul 2014, 08:06

Haha yea i know how it feels. It changes the pace from other games. I played tera rising for 2 years and i love onigiri than tera. I dont know thats my opinion though. And for PVP I hope they implement something like that it would rock to be honest. And a guild system would be lovely. More interaction on other players. But other than that lets have fun in game and see ya around hahaha :D
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Re: Got this game the other day and...

Postby SeekerFate » 11 Jul 2014, 09:28

They do have plans on some pvp, (other than the duels in Japan I have no idea what form it'll take)

They might also include guilds, as of now the closest thing to it would be the chat groups.

If they ever get around to it they may rework the pt system but generally it should be agreed at one point/you should ask what difficulty is being run if it's not listed in the pt name itself (although regardless of difficulty it should default you to the first difficulty chosen by the person who entered the dungeon first)

Indeed, early wands/magic is basically trash, but if you can outlast to end-game, they really pick up the pace and start shining, even in the late mid-levels if you can just get the right skills.

Basic attacks will regen mana but it doesn't apply to health. Both hp/sp regen naturally but sp is just also recovered when auto-attacking/"blocking" with a wand/staff
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Re: Got this game the other day and...

Postby Demotheus » 11 Jul 2014, 11:42

Also, I noticed there's a sit command of some sort. Unlike other MMO's, you don't have a higher HP/SP regen rate in this one while sitting. What's the point of even sitting? XD Why is it bound to a key? If it's just meant to be an emote or an afk-checker sort of deal, why not just have it as a command with the other emotes that may or may not exist (idk).
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Re: Got this game the other day and...

Postby Demotheus » 11 Jul 2014, 11:43

Silly me. Also, how do I go about crafting? I might have just missed it in the guide, but I can't find any information anywhere about crafting. IE: I want to craft health regen foods or whatevers, or use up the hundreds upon hundreds of materials I have in my supply.

Another thing I like, you don't have to have anything on you if it's a quest item. Sometimes I'll find quests that want this or that supply or item, and if you have it in supply (so long as it's not a weapon I think, mostly materials.) You can give it to them somehow instead of having to go through your supply! XD
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