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Best Skills for Each Weapon

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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby Khlora » 13 Jul 2014, 20:30

I guess I just prefer the faster attacks. I was using Dust Storm Blast on my first sword around levels 22-30 and it just seems like a weaker Lightning Slash but maybe it is good for AOE Mobbing which I guess is really strong when grinding levels.

I ran Yakumo Temple Solo at least 160~ times (all the bosses in it are at about 185 kills) while leveling and getting money for my weapons since I wasn't partying with anyone from about level 45-50 and Lunge step being able to go 9.5~M makes fighting 1 on 1 a lot easier.

You can even use it to run away fast to heal or restore mana. Only problem I have with it is the same problem with any Multi-use/Combo Skill where sometimes using all 4 hits uses 60 mana initially, and then the next 180 mana the next time my mana regen kicks in, so sometimes I will be walking up to an enemy thinking I have mana just for it to drain later.
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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby Ryxa » 13 Jul 2014, 21:33

Khlora wrote:I guess I just prefer the faster attacks. I was using Dust Storm Blast on my first sword around levels 22-30 and it just seems like a weaker Lightning Slash but maybe it is good for AOE Mobbing which I guess is really strong when grinding levels.

I ran Yakumo Temple Solo at least 160~ times (all the bosses in it are at about 185 kills) while leveling and getting money for my weapons since I wasn't partying with anyone from about level 45-50 and Lunge step being able to go 9.5~M makes fighting 1 on 1 a lot easier.

You can even use it to run away fast to heal or restore mana. Only problem I have with it is the same problem with any Multi-use/Combo Skill where sometimes using all 4 hits uses 60 mana initially, and then the next 180 mana the next time my mana regen kicks in, so sometimes I will be walking up to an enemy thinking I have mana just for it to drain later.

Trust me, I thought Lunge Step was god-like initially also... in fact, I'm the one who suggested taking a low level sword and getting a high rank lunge step on it to clear Yakumo a while back. Once you get past Kyoto though, Lunge Step becomes irrelevant. Even more so once you know what you're doing and have reached "end game". You're going to want to be able to kill mobs in one hit even if it's one by one and lunge step doesn't do it efficiently anymore once you're in Kaga. Lunge step has good initial damage but it doesn't have the scaling other skills provide.

As for Dust being a slow skill... it's actually not. It's ~.75 seconds start-up time from my estimate. The animation is just awkward. Once you use it to the point it has leveled up 20 or 30 times, you don't notice the start-up at all. It, along with Lightning Slash, are your two big one shot skills.
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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby Khlora » 13 Jul 2014, 22:33

Yeah I can see that, and I wasn't exactly saying it is slow, but slower compared to the first strike of Crimson Sword and Lunge Step. I'll probably try it out more on my next sword cause I can see the damage potential here:

Image Lv 50 VS Lv 19 Image
(Edit: Might as well mention Lunge Step V hits 4 times for anyone who doesn't know and see this)

You can use Ryxa's list of skills over mine in the OP next time you update it MizaR.

I'll still probably like Lunge Steps mobility though :)
Last edited by Khlora on 14 Jul 2014, 11:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby Sorozone » 13 Jul 2014, 22:53

Poison rapid shot for bows is hands down one of the best skills imo. I have it on my failnaught and my meteor bow and I spam it almost 24/7. Sometimes I combo it like this:

Lightning arrow -> Icicle Arrow -> Poison rapid shot -> Ougi Restriction

Yes, I have all 4 of these skills on my meteor bow. The SP reduction is huge for comboing this one after another, but the DPS is insane.
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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby Plasism » 14 Jul 2014, 00:03

Staff might want to include Idaten's Grace. Other skills like Strike boost, unbreakable aura are purely situational.
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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby _NeO_ » 14 Jul 2014, 10:31

Beside the Gachas system ... Does anyone know how to finds the ougi skill cards :?:
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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby Lifariz » 14 Jul 2014, 16:32

For Odachi Skills:

AoE/Anti Mobs
1. Dust Storm Blast
2. Leaping Strike/Flying Lightning Strike
3. Fierce Slash
4. Sword of Avidya(Only goes to rank IV sadly, but hey, it's fast and still out-damages my DSB V on certain fire-weak mobs)
5. Sacrifice/Collapsing Blade(Screw you if you're willing to actually use these skills on mere mobs. Oh wait, I use CB against mobs...)

Anti-Personnel/Singe Target/Small AoE
1. Tsubame Gaeshi
2. Void Slash/Lighting Void Slash

1. Empty Sky Slash/Sprit Empty Sky Slash/Holy Empty Sky Slash
2. Tsubame Gaeshi
3. Grim Strike/Sacred Strike(It has decent dmg even when in a combo)

Wow I actually enumerated all the Attack Skills. Don't ask me for Ougi/Gacha skills.
IGN: Lifariz
Weapon Class: Odachi, Buffing Staff

Please, when you enter Kaga onwards, at least be able to cast invig IV/V/VI when you decide to leech. Please and Thank you.
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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby invitation » 15 Jul 2014, 21:02

Mizar Why do you say best bow skill= Ougi restriction and what does its skill description say?
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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby Moriya Suwako » 15 Jul 2014, 21:12

Wand user here.

Here's probably what I think are the best.

Overall Best:
Earth Glaive/Earth Spike - Great AoE, amazing multi-hittng spell which also deals just as much to a single mob and the damage output is no joke either. Long range, but not as wide.

Frost Glaive/Ice bolt - WIDE AOE and long too. Only downside is that it has a rather long startup

Single target:
Consistent dps - Fireball/Fire strike - Nearly 0 SP cost, low cooldown, and decent damage. Find four wands that have this and suddenly you're doing like 30k dps per second >_>
Burst - Hellfire or Lightning Blast

Ougi: I've only tried two of them so far, and I still think Crimson Ray V is the best out of them.

Never really liked Call lightning. It feels too slow on start up and the range isn't as huge as Frost Glaives either ._.
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Re: Best Skills for Each Weapon

Postby invitation » 01 Aug 2014, 23:12

XamineA wrote:Twin Swords

1) Steal Attack - (not most effective but most useful)
2) Lightning Slash - (small aoe, but one of the best for TS)
3) Twin Blade Slash - (small range but hits up to 3 targets hard)

Thunder Beast V!

Havnt tried other ougies for ts yet.

How much sp does Steal Attack II use and how long is Steal Attack II's cooldown?

Does it increase the rate of all monsters in the dungeon after killing 1 monster or only that monster?
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