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Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

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Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

Postby *Lai » 14 Jul 2014, 11:57

This is not a guide, but a request for strategy/pointers.
I would like to get some feedback, or helpful hints, from people who have cleared this.

I've made three attempts at clearing Oonaobi Shrine in Izumo (on Normal - this is my first pass through), and I haven't yet managed to defeat Yatsukazou, the final boss.

I am a somewhat squishy Daring Twin Sword user.

Several points against me:
1. I am level 20
2. I am soloing it
3. I don't have much in the way of fire, ice, rain (against which he is apparently weak)

In my favor:
1. Kikusenkaku +40 (two rank 4 skills)
2. Seikounoken +20 (rank 4 and 3 skill)
3. Patience

I can make it to the boss without much trouble, but I have to use up some of my sushi on the way.
By the time I reach the boss, I don't have a full compliment of healing supplies. I'm also carrying HP recovery in my liquor bottle now.

I draw the boss into the narrow bottleneck area before the large arena space, so that when he does his spinning torpedo move, he can't travel very far (so I don't have to waste time running after him to catch up), and I try to jump in and hit him with a weapon skill and then dodge away and wait for the lull after the next attack.

Once all my healing items are gone, then what I have to do is run away toward the entrance, outside of his range, so he'll go back to the arena. Then I have to stand around and wait for my HP to recover naturally, until I'm full again and can go try to get in another couple of hits.

I don't know which summon I should use, but I've mainly used Miroku, on the assumption that he might deal a few heavy hits.

By now, I have used up all of the Hi-Potions I had, as well as all of the Soul Eggs I had.

I imagine that this fight would be completely different if I were ten levels higher (recommended level), but I've managed to make it this far, and I know people have gotten to Kyoto solo at lower levels than that.

I also expect that this would be very different with a full party.

Am I foolish for trying to beat this on my own right now?

I'm not dedicated to soloing; I just haven't felt like partying up with anyone (a little shy), and haven't needed to so far.
I would enjoy the pride of accomplishment, being able to say I made it to Kyoto solo, but I'm not attached to it.

Should I just look for a party to go with?
Should I wait and level up before trying again?
Or is there something else I can do to gain an advantage, or to better prepare myself, for this fight?
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Re: Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

Postby Seleivax » 14 Jul 2014, 13:23

I can help you if you want, what's your in game name?
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Re: Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

Postby Jaku » 14 Jul 2014, 14:41

Name and I'll help you or you can simply add me

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Re: Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

Postby SupremeTentacle » 14 Jul 2014, 15:39

Try guarding his attacks, it helps a lot~
Selling all of my gear for ~40% of its market value!
~4 lv. 108 to 115 weapons remaining
Some skill card 7's, ougi, orna'd maga and other stuff too!
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Re: Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

Postby Lifariz » 14 Jul 2014, 16:39

Uhh yea, have you tried running back to the entrance after you aggro him? you can just make use of terrain and spam your skills that can actually hit him in that distance. Use a damned bow!
IGN: Lifariz
Weapon Class: Odachi, Buffing Staff

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Re: Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

Postby *Lai » 14 Jul 2014, 18:04

Yes, I pull him into the narrow entrance to the zone, it makes managing his movement much easier.

I haven't tried guarding.
I... play with kind of an awkward setup right now (keyboard and mouse on lap on couch, etc), and I have never practiced using Guard thus far. Having gotten 20 levels without it, I had begun to assume it was kind of like jumping - something you can do but you didn't really need it to get by. I'll go out and start training Guard...

My bow isn't that strong.
When I went up against Ahriman the first time, I was scared and hung back and tried to plink it from a distance with my puny bow. After dying once, and barely making a dent in his health, I decided to just try my usual form of attack, and took him out with two skills. I was like "wait... that's all?"
Then again, I already have time to make a cup of tea while waiting for my HP to regen. If I'm resigned to the battle taking a long time, I guess I could try to stand just out of range and wear him down one bow skill at a time.
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Re: Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

Postby Lifariz » 14 Jul 2014, 23:01

When you get to higher levels, around Kyoto dungeons and above, you'll need to learn how to block. Seriously, you will die a lot if you don't guard properly. Specially against Area Bosses.

For Ahriman, you're supposed to stay mid-range just outside of his circle lightning strike and Void Blast while circling around him, then unleash hell right after you confirm that he used a skill that you dodged.

As for the statue guy, if you're insistent on solo-melee you're supposed to use lunge skills>roll>guard>repeat. ofc, you'll probably lose hp eventually so good luck doing that. I had to play side-hit lunges(that goes past the target without stopping) until I finally killed the statue guy on lvl17... He's pretty tough against physical attack so it's really not advisable to yolo him unless you know what you're doing.

And you're playing bow the wrong way. You're supposed to get in 2 rapid shot skills on your bow(have a back-up) and spam it like mad while keeping your fingers on the dodge button. The multi-skill play is only a requirement when you're actually going to permanently grind a spot and is usually only done by high-level players. For more info, visit Otonashi's bow guide.

Seriously, nobody plays twins on Kaga because there is no boss-rush dungeon there. Maybe when you get to Kyoto and have to grind Yakumo Temple until you rot or something.
IGN: Lifariz
Weapon Class: Odachi, Buffing Staff

Please, when you enter Kaga onwards, at least be able to cast invig IV/V/VI when you decide to leech. Please and Thank you.
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Re: Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

Postby irvanfender » 20 Jul 2014, 20:33

Use Bow type weapon with Charge Shot skill inside.
Because Charge Shot skill is the most long-ranged skills.
So , he will not able to land a single hit for you.
Lure him to the entrance path and he will automatically teleported back to his spawn spot , and back move forward to him but don't go too close with him.There is a small path that can make him stuck and run towrds you.
I don't really know how to say , but with this picture , i hope you will understand (My english bad)
Keong : Bow lvl.29
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Re: Oonaobi Shrine (Izumo) - Boss Fight - Questions

Postby Cheese » 20 Jul 2014, 23:29

Wow. i didnt know you could trap him there.

but,Well you could just do the usual hit and run with bow or with blue fang blade. that's what i did in cbt. It worked fine for me
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