by Calimero » 18 Jul 2014, 17:12
While he can say this more politely he isnt wrong either.
The story would more enjoyable with the normal xp rates. All the rythm of the scenario seems messed up because of this change. All is going smoothly 98% of the time, and when you want to know whats next in the story and see the next town you can not go further during a while because of a boss one shoting you.
Its either too easy or too difficult, this is too unbalanced. I have no problem going to Odin, and then BAM, suddenly i am hurting a wall i cant pass at all because i am way too low lvl with way too weak stuff. I hope the Sheryl thingy is gonna last a very, very long time, otherwise i will never see the end of it if i must grind several days at each big boss i encounter.
All that for what, so that the players dont do all the content too fast ? Well, this is a failure, the game is not out since a month that rushers are already complaining of the lack of content. Like they will complain of it again one week after the 29 july update.
The xp should have stay the same as the jp version, and the mobs should have been harder in the donjons. Like this difficuty would have been normal all along, not boring you 98% of the time being too easy before your face hit soudainly a brick wall.
I supppose i could just do like a lot of people seems to do and ask for a high lvl to kill the boss for me, but that sounds like leeching and being powerleveld, and i dont like this idea.
Well, at least i am looking early way more than in other games how upgrading stuff is working when i got too bored doing the same dungeon for the xxx time.