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Postby godexia » 18 Jul 2014, 21:48

Ok so i choose "Power" as my character type since i think it's a good idea to have more ability to survive and fight with decent damage in the same time but then i saw info's bout Dex and twin sword stuff and then i added all my points in Dex
but then i noticed something weird with my character it's like i'm not following my role :/ so is it a good idea to keep adding Dex when my character type is "Power" and not "Daring" or "Cautious"?
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Joined: 18 Jul 2014, 21:45


Postby frostMoon » 19 Jul 2014, 00:04

Well, it's not the best idea, however it is not a huge problem as you get a statpoint/character type reset after clearing the repairing benkei quest(which is after you clear kyoto).Generally you should add all your stat points into one stat until you have enough to reach weapon affinity cap(3000) without the use of affinity mags. One thing to keep in mind though is: Survivability in this game doesn't really mean too much. Every class except spearmen are basically paper. The best thing you can do that helps you surviving is getting good at dodging. Generally you should add all your stat points into one stat until you have enough to reach weapon affinity cap(3000) without the use of affinity mags.
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Shinrei lvl. 70 - Daring, Axe
Yukihina lvl. 60 - Cautious, Wand
Anjou lvl. 52 - Defensive, Staff
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