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[Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Lifariz » 07 Aug 2014, 00:29

To compensate for Odachi's relatively slow cast speed, you usually don't engage right at the mob's face, but keep a distant head start then start casting, of course after you gain aggro.

The head start distance depends on the skill you're using, but for the slowest casting skill of Odachi, Ougi - Crimson Flame Blast Smash, 10m is a good head start. I'll probably also include the mechanics of skills later on and how to use them for hit and runs.
IGN: Lifariz
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Momiji » 07 Aug 2014, 02:31

For Alyvida, on a base speed odachi, a 3-4m head start is a must, however, on much higher speed odachi or odachi+80 or above that range could be almost point blank, giving a large fatality arc. For Tsubame-Gaeshi, its quite self-explanatory, as the hitbox is large vertical.

In my opinion, the Swift combo card would benefit Odachi the best, for it adds a ton of attack speed for normal hits, allowing you to control mobs (assuming they would flinch, like the ones in shinoda)
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Fenrir » 07 Aug 2014, 08:20

Any pictures of the axes of the recent update? Want to know if I can work with something more I like visually than Dotechin and Drachtslave.
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby OPPAI » 08 Aug 2014, 00:22

Fenrir wrote:Any pictures of the axes of the recent update? Want to know if I can work with something more I like visually than Dotechin and Drachtslave.

You can checK the jp wiki for that, though it seems like only the anchor axe and the Golden hammer are worth getting since the other axes are weaker than Drachtslave.
But of course, smithing and smelting those axes are gonna give you hell
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby frostMoon » 08 Aug 2014, 02:47

Axes are kinda difficult to grind with since all the skills are slow (except ougi asura strike) or have a really small aoe. that's probably also a factor why not a lot of people play it.I'm a lvl 70 axe user myself and i have a lot of problems when there's too many monsters in a single room though it ofc also depends on what kind of monsters there are.
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Leafay » 08 Aug 2014, 05:14

Thanks for this topic! I so love my axes and the advice here is great! I like axes because they're bigger than I am and slugging monsters with them is a lot like playing whack-the-gopher at the mall! :D
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Judoy » 09 Aug 2014, 09:40

What good weapon lvl do you guys put your Ougis (especially now that its not that easy to get one and I seldom buy cash for F2P)?

I bought a cheap heavenly ranmagiri (lvl 42) with crappy skill but with a high grade and an Ougi true spirit blast. Its helpful when I can't leech at secluded since I solo grind hard secluded/momiji mostly using that ougi (my only good AoE for sword). I decided to use 2 of the last gatcha ticket I saved for a long time then suddenly I got my own ougi card and I plan to use thunder beast for sword.
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Lifariz » 10 Aug 2014, 03:19

Judoy wrote:What good weapon lvl do you guys put your Ougis (especially now that its not that easy to get one and I seldom buy cash for F2P)?

I bought a cheap heavenly ranmagiri (lvl 42) with crappy skill but with a high grade and an Ougi true spirit blast. Its helpful when I can't leech at secluded since I solo grind hard secluded/momiji mostly using that ougi (my only good AoE for sword). I decided to use 2 of the last gatcha ticket I saved for a long time then suddenly I got my own ougi card and I plan to use thunder beast for sword.

The most obvious answer is the highest you can go. For Kaga weapons, use it on a lvl68 +100 Usumidori. It's wasteful if you're gonna put it in anything below that.
IGN: Lifariz
Weapon Class: Odachi, Buffing Staff

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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Youshin » 10 Aug 2014, 19:44

what skillset would be ideal for odachi in terms of aoe mobbing w/o ougi
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Judoy » 10 Aug 2014, 20:02

Lifariz wrote:The most obvious answer is the highest you can go. For Kaga weapons, use it on a lvl68 +100 Usumidori. It's wasteful if you're gonna put it in anything below that.

Thx. I won't probably get another ougi on that character so I better save it for my ideal wep. I have another question though:

Does thunder beast need some skill to combo with (insta combo a boss to death)? like what would be the preferable(or your preferred) skills in the sword where you would put the ougi.
Judoy lvl 60 Sword
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