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[Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Lifariz » 11 Aug 2014, 06:04

Youshin wrote:what skillset would be ideal for odachi in terms of aoe mobbing w/o ougi

A mix between Sacred Strike, Fierce Slash, and Dust Storm Blast. Sword of Avidya only goes to rank IV so you're eventually forced to drop it. Flying Lightning Slash has too many openings when grinding from Kaga onwards. Void Lightning Slash/Tsubame Gaeshi/Sacred Empty Sky Slash are good single target filler skills.

But if you have 2k dura on a spare high power weapon, you can always choose Collapsing Blade VII. Now that's something I'd like to use repeatedly, if it wasn't for the extreme dura requirements. Don't even think of getting Sacrifice w/o Chian and high crit.

Judoy wrote:
Lifariz wrote:The most obvious answer is the highest you can go. For Kaga weapons, use it on a lvl68 +100 Usumidori. It's wasteful if you're gonna put it in anything below that.

Thx. I won't probably get another ougi on that character so I better save it for my ideal wep. I have another question though:

Does thunder beast need some skill to combo with (insta combo a boss to death)? like what would be the preferable(or your preferred) skills in the sword where you would put the ougi.

People usually place True Spirit Blast along with Thunder Beast. Higher leveled people with nothing else to do even go for double Thunder Beast(Add Thunder Beast>Evo Skill>Add 1 more Thunder Beast). It's either TSB>TB or the other way around. Oh and you probably need 2 weapons and Chidori or 3 weapons with ougi if you're looking for Ougi spammage
IGN: Lifariz
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Please, when you enter Kaga onwards, at least be able to cast invig IV/V/VI when you decide to leech. Please and Thank you.
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Ryxa » 11 Aug 2014, 13:02

Thunder Beast -> Spin camera 180 -> Blast Smash for bosses
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Leafay » 13 Aug 2014, 10:12

Hi All!

Some sage gamer advice please! Are Axe and Twin Sword skills and powers transferrable? (This ought also go into the Gamers MD topic too I think, but should I cross post so?)

In spite a 6 year old XP laptop which only runs Onigiri in a window that keeps jerking and shifting if I hit the keys too fast in battle and pointers from nice guys joining my grindings outside Yamataikoku Underground Cavern (which I can't get in yet! :( ), I just broke level 17 last night and I'm in a little dilemma.

Up to last week lvl 15 I was happy swinging my Bardiche axe at frogs and tapeworms, but then I tried my luck at mixing and enhancing weapons and poured lots of swords and axe into enhancing one, Seilounken till it locked-up, but what a sword!! :o Bashing monsters now is like night and day! It took a few swings to vaporize monsters with the axe but now just two or three swings of my super sword and they're gone! At least the lvl 14 ones hanging outside Yamataikoku. Outside my exclusive Oni dagger up to lvl 9, I never handled a sword before and suddenly now I almost feel like an ace plowing through monsters! Really awesome! :D

This change of battle force is really epic for how I take the game now and makes me wonder if I should drop my cool axe, but my main question is, are axe skills that totally transferable into twin sword skills like this? That said, if I keep the sword how should I best tweak up my stats for it? I didn't change anything since I cracked level 17 last night so I'd like your second opinions what best to change:

Type Daring Exp 78457 NEXT 92699 Status Points 20

POW 15 + 4
VIT 12 + 3
WIS 7 + 2
MND 8 + 1
DEX 18 + 4

MAX HP 572 20 162
HP Recovery 117 0 162
MAX SP 176 0 128
SP Recovery 126 0 73
ATTACK 372 0 188
P DEF 296 0 162
M DEF 216 0 188

Current Effect Slice Element +16
Fire Element +20
HP Recovery +10

3rd Eye Magatama
Hakurai Magnatma
Cerasite Magatama
Sakura Magatma

Main weapon Seilounken +10 Attack 154+30 908 Durability
Axe Bardiche Attack 145-19 Durability 928

I hope all this helps! Thanks for any tips!! ;)
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Chieko-sama » 14 Aug 2014, 05:32

Leafay wrote:Hi All!

Some sage gamer advice please! Are Axe and Twin Sword skills and powers transferrable? (This ought also go into the Gamers MD topic too I think, but should I cross post so?)

In spite a 6 year old XP laptop which only runs Onigiri in a window that keeps jerking and shifting if I hit the keys too fast in battle and pointers from nice guys joining my grindings outside Yamataikoku Underground Cavern (which I can't get in yet! :( ), I just broke level 17 last night and I'm in a little dilemma.

Up to last week lvl 15 I was happy swinging my Bardiche axe at frogs and tapeworms, but then I tried my luck at mixing and enhancing weapons and poured lots of swords and axe into enhancing one, Seilounken till it locked-up, but what a sword!! :o Bashing monsters now is like night and day! It took a few swings to vaporize monsters with the axe but now just two or three swings of my super sword and they're gone! At least the lvl 14 ones hanging outside Yamataikoku. Outside my exclusive Oni dagger up to lvl 9, I never handled a sword before and suddenly now I almost feel like an ace plowing through monsters! Really awesome! :D

This change of battle force is really epic for how I take the game now and makes me wonder if I should drop my cool axe, but my main question is, are axe skills that totally transferable into twin sword skills like this? That said, if I keep the sword how should I best tweak up my stats for it? I didn't change anything since I cracked level 17 last night so I'd like your second opinions what best to change:

Type Daring Exp 78457 NEXT 92699 Status Points 20

POW 15 + 4
VIT 12 + 3
WIS 7 + 2
MND 8 + 1
DEX 18 + 4

MAX HP 572 20 162
HP Recovery 117 0 162
MAX SP 176 0 128
SP Recovery 126 0 73
ATTACK 372 0 188
P DEF 296 0 162
M DEF 216 0 188

Current Effect Slice Element +16
Fire Element +20
HP Recovery +10

3rd Eye Magatama
Hakurai Magnatma
Cerasite Magatama
Sakura Magatma

Main weapon Seilounken +10 Attack 154+30 908 Durability
Axe Bardiche Attack 145-19 Durability 928

I hope all this helps! Thanks for any tips!! ;)

that is.. quite long for a simple answer.. Affinity :3 they increase skill dmg by a certain % and increase attack too

well, you said if axe's skill AND "power" transferrable.. actually they are on 2 different boats, axe's affinity increase are based on your character's POW stat, while dual sword are based on DEX stat, so.. the two ,does not, share skill's power (if you mean damage output) in any way.. but then again, check your affinity and decide on what weapon you want to use till like, end-game. You can choose to wield 2-3 different kinds of weapon but if you do that early game it will kinda slowing down your DPS increase, unless you're not bothered about it.. and will not have the utmost potential of a weapon at end-game.

If you mean by "transferrable" skill is a set of a same skill, for example: axes have blue fang blade, and dual swords have blue fang blade too. Some weapon type just have same set of skills (melee has the most).

another tips on your stat.. daring type mostly go for > power: axe, sword, tachi OR dex: bow, dual swords. So decide on what stat you would raise till it has the needed affinity to deal something later on. And I personally doesn't bother with vit.. but it's personal preference tho.. have fun exploring :D
IGN: ChiekoMochida
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Leafay » 15 Aug 2014, 05:20

Chieko-sama wrote: that is.. quite long for a simple answer..

:oops: Uh, yea, I guess I got a lil windy there! :oops:

I was just so awed by how suddenly powerful I became when just by whim I first used my Seilounken sword when the only thing I've been using for the last ten levels is my axe! 1st time Lvl 16 me even breezed through Tiamat's goons solo before he squashed me when before I had to slug it out in regular grinding areas with an axe! Still Awesome! :o It's like all my axe skills Plus passed on to my zero (except my early Oni dagger) sword experience! Now that you explained it things are a little clearer now and I see I'll really have to learn how the points and stats and affinity system works! All that math was one of my main apprehensions as a MMO newbie! :D Thanks for the tips! ;)
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Chieko-sama » 16 Aug 2014, 15:16

Leafay wrote:
Chieko-sama wrote: that is.. quite long for a simple answer..

:oops: Uh, yea, I guess I got a lil windy there! :oops:

I was just so awed by how suddenly powerful I became when just by whim I first used my Seilounken sword when the only thing I've been using for the last ten levels is my axe! 1st time Lvl 16 me even breezed through Tiamat's goons solo before he squashed me when before I had to slug it out in regular grinding areas with an axe! Still Awesome! :o It's like all my axe skills Plus passed on to my zero (except my early Oni dagger) sword experience! Now that you explained it things are a little clearer now and I see I'll really have to learn how the points and stats and affinity system works! All that math was one of my main apprehensions as a MMO newbie! :D Thanks for the tips! ;)

hehe, no problem.. swords are powerful ikr? hmmm yeah, sword and axe are both "Power" type weapon so increasing power will raise both affinity, tachi/oodachi is a power type weapon too.. So if you mean by skills Plus is the "force" of a skill does same feeling when u used axe, it's "affinity" doing it's job. So, if you use power type weapon (sword,tachi,axe). You can pick 2 of them or even 3 of them as your weapon. Just keep in mind that you need proper magatamas and level/rank up their skills to bring out their utmost potential.
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Compa-IF » 26 Sep 2014, 04:54

Pls tell me some good axe skills for carry :D
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby OPPAI » 26 Sep 2014, 05:07

Ougis: asura spinning shit and earth shattering shit
Normal skills: freezing blade and static axe. Solo skills like sacred Strike works too.

But imo, once you get your ougis you wouldn't use your normal skills so much
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Re: [Guide] Swords, Odachi's, and Axes

Postby Momiji » 23 Jan 2015, 22:10

Update: Axe carry skills can include Tornado Drop VI. A multi-hitting heavy attack with a backleap animation.
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