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Evolving skills & leveling weapon w/ Momotarou

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Evolving skills & leveling weapon w/ Momotarou

Postby WildSakura » 03 Sep 2014, 13:22

Could anyone tell me the number of uses of the weapons skill till it gets maxed out? Some stop at 15 or 20 and some keep going not maxing out after 20. Does this vary with weapon skill levels or what? When everything is maxed out on a weapon does Momotarou raise the skill level? And for instance what is maximum skill level for oni dagger to evolve? Or can the oni dagger skills evolve? :o
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Re: Evolving skills & leveling weapon w/ Momotarou

Postby Otonashi » 03 Sep 2014, 16:19

No idea what you mean by weapon skill level, or whether you're referring to skill level or number of uses.

Skills level up by being used, you can see this through the "xx - III has levelled up to Level xx" text that pops up whenever this happens. The maximum skill level is 10 times of its rank, which is signified by the roman numerals (III = 3 in the example above, hence max skill level = 30) located after the dash in the skill name. When a skill is maxed and the skill meets certain requirements, Momotarou will evolve the skill for you, increasing the rank of the skill by 1 (or 2, in the case of skills like Idaten's Grace). Skills on the same weapon are not linked to one another in any way other than being on the same weapon, and weapons do not evolve.

If you're asking about how many uses each skill level requires, I doubt anyone can fully explain. Skills gain "exp", or whatever you want to call it, when they successfully hit, buff, heal and so on (i.e. the weapon loses durability). The amount of "exp" required for a skill to level up increases a small amount each time it levels up, and increases a large amount every 10 levels.

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Re: Evolving skills & leveling weapon w/ Momotarou

Postby Firon » 03 Sep 2014, 16:32

WildSakura wrote:Could anyone tell me the number of uses of the weapons skill till it gets maxed out? Some stop at 15 or 20 and some keep going not maxing out after 20. Does this vary with weapon skill levels or what? When everything is maxed out on a weapon does Momotarou raise the skill level? And for instance what is maximum skill level for oni dagger to evolve? Or can the oni dagger skills evolve? :o

-Skill leveling by number of uses only depends on the level of Momotaru's "Training Essentials" and the lvl of the skill. Rank or the weapon type plays no effect.

-Only the first hit counts as a "use" of the skill, with the exception of combo attacks.
For combo attacks (hold the right click or right click for each fire that appears), the first hit of each fire that connects counts as a "use"

-another thing I found out, you can lvl skills by opening chests with them but, even though you can still open chests with a broken weapon, you can't lvl it's skills with it :P

deleted most of what I typed because of repeated info, this is what remained :P
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Re: Evolving skills & leveling weapon w/ Momotarou

Postby WildSakura » 04 Sep 2014, 11:29

Yes I understood that each weapon has skill I, II or III or IV etc. But I didn't know the amount of uses for each level of skill. :) Thank you so much Firon and Otonashi.
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