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petition to remove taxes on game

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petition to remove taxes on game

Postby Tillika » 28 Sep 2014, 09:33

hi huns tilly here with a ? to possibly remove. does any1 else get tired if this taxes when you sell something? example, why is this in the game in the 1st place i think it serves no meaning also. i think a 30% tax for the game is kinda dumb. i vote for the removal of Taxes anyone else with me here huns
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Re: petition to remove taxes on game

Postby SupremeTentacle » 28 Sep 2014, 13:09

I think the tax is a bit high, but removing it altogether would be economically problematic, and could lead to price inflation due to an increasing supply of C.

As the items in this game are already expensive as hell, I'd personally like to move away from anything potentially leading to inflation.
Selling all of my gear for ~40% of its market value!
~4 lv. 108 to 115 weapons remaining
Some skill card 7's, ougi, orna'd maga and other stuff too!
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Re: petition to remove taxes on game

Postby KonaKona » 29 Sep 2014, 06:08

If anything, just remove the min price for god sake. Its already hurting enough to have player to player deal using C...
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Re: petition to remove taxes on game

Postby Annette » 29 Sep 2014, 07:11

KonaKona wrote:If anything, just remove the min price for god sake. Its already hurting enough to have player to player deal using C...

Removing the minimum price entirely would result in a lot of people effectively "trading" with their friends, meaning much lower cash flow for CS. They don't want that and, in the long term, neither do players. It does need to be adjusted for a vast majority of items; that would help everyone.
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Re: petition to remove taxes on game

Postby Vrenna » 29 Sep 2014, 09:31

I think the actual problem is that 10$ = 100 OC.

How much is 100 OC worth in this game?
Pretty much nothing.

So it's the same as saying 10$ is worth pretty much nothing, so people "shouldn't mind" spending that pretty much nothing.

They actually do mind.
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Re: petition to remove taxes on game

Postby Minato » 29 Sep 2014, 10:57

Petitions never work here
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Re: petition to remove taxes on game

Postby -x-SongNhi-x- » 29 Sep 2014, 15:10

Yeah $10 for 100oc is too much, cant buy much with 100oc. And for every 100oc trade they take 30oc away. The tax is way too high, fair margin would be <5%. Allow certain items to be traded for Ryou, weapons and important items can still be locked to OC but not EVERYTHING, that is stupidly crazy. What a Nazi way of running this game.
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Re: petition to remove taxes on game

Postby Don Lelouch » 01 Oct 2014, 10:13

SupremeTentacle wrote:I think the tax is a bit high, but removing it altogether would be economically problematic, and could lead to price inflation due to an increasing supply of C.

As the items in this game are already expensive as hell, I'd personally like to move away from anything potentially leading to inflation.

Economy on this server already is problematic, don't think about inflation, problems came coz everyone drop too much "things" and everyone want sell there "things" which made a battle beetwen players and finished with almost "everything" for "Min Price"
Same thing happend with "custom" made weapons and currently "ending" game weapons. Different of all "things" for Min Price, custom weapons are "overpriced".
Let's think about it now...
Precious player which starts the game with some luck can find somebody to carry him for best grind "dungeon". By leeching on 100% chance he get from drop all the "things" which people want to sell for "Min Price" in Bazzars. That's made no sense for economy coz nobody wants tons of clear Amaras Magas etc.
Now... what's learn player which leech whole game life? Answer: Nothing. Wasted Ougis on precious low weaps which he "like'd" or which was for him "the best", and what we have ? 70% of server population gone coz no update, rest 30% still waiting for update but from those 30% players, 25% have high lvl and don't know anything about game, farm, grind, carry. Even if they would work they can't coz "Not good weapon" and basically that's happens coz 70% of players just gone from game and there's no people which can craft those weapons and sell them. Otherwise even if someone selling "good" stuff it's overpriced.
Month ago or so we had all the kinds of smelted weap. Today? Few sword, spears, bows, maybe sometimes ts and ofc staffs coz what gonna happen with this game without RS. Problem starts with prices which start from 350~(some swords)up to~1000 OC(Glazer,Geno,DS)
Why we have so high prices for 70+ Weapons? Because there's no update and new maps/new weaps.

Now let's go to post above ^^ (10$ for 100 OC) isn't enough right? Want more?
"Sword can cut from 2 sides" <- or smth like that
If company could realize that "request" I'll bet everything would grow up on value also. Nyankaropon Spin could cost more, boost orbs, ticket boosts, reset items, buttons, talismans etc. + Players could sell things for higher price "because you get alot more for those 10$". If now you get 100 OC for 10$ so if you would get 200 OC for 10$ everything should go x2 from current price. Same with "example: Glazer One 900 OC>1800"

Something about TAX...It's around 33% now, I won't say it's could be great if it would be changed into 25% but dreams are for dreamers. Current Tax it's great also coz economy is still on good way,of course it's make people greedy coz even if they want sell something for 100 OC they get only 70 OC but after losing much players which donate there, now not many people thinking about spend OC (even if they donate) for sh*t.
Better is keep them till Edo release and they gonna waste them to create new OP things or just waste them to Spin Nyanakaro (if there could appear better clothes than now).

We should be happy at this moment from that what we have there, and not complain economy rl money>game. Coz it's work great.

Only one problem which happens in this game is Slow Updating, Disconnects, Lags, and we can't forget "No Edo I quit"

Like I said everything matter from devs, they will relase new map before all players just leave or no.

Regards Oni's

Sorry for Grammar (ik you dun care) <3
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Re: petition to remove taxes on game

Postby Yokai » 08 Oct 2014, 12:31

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