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Hello, Hi, Ola, Aloha, and other forms of "hello"!

Postby LazyAnon » 12 Dec 2014, 20:14

I'm new to this game, but not new to MMO's or MMORPG's. I have played games similar to this before where you basically have to choose a weapon and not a class, but you could switch weapons at any time and you do more with 1 weapon depending on your stats. But here's the thing, the system here is a bit difficult for me to understand seeing as how it's been a long while since I've played a game like this and the system itself is actually unique (meaning it's not like those other games, and has it's own style of play). I actually have a few questions if you folks wouldn't mind answering them for me...

To start off;
What's a good starter for newbs? Basically I just want to be able to deal damage whilst being able to take it, I tried Axe and Bow/Twin Sword so far, but I messed up the Axe stats and the Bow/Twin sword doesn't really fit me too well. I mean attacking from afar seems fun but at the same time it's not my style ya know? I enjoy being up close and personal, somewhat like a Tank/DPS mixture I suppose.
What do YOU suggest I try out? I'd like some veteran players suggestions on what they believe I might enjoy. Doesn't mean I will enjoy it, just means I'll give it a shot.
Would ANYONE like to be friends and secret part-time lovers? Okay well the last part is a joke (obviously), however I wouldn't mind meeting some new folks on a game. I gave up on WoW for awhile because I need to save my $$, and I'm quite enjoying this game. I figured I'd try getting some folks to chat with while I play because I honestly know nothing about this game since as my forum name suggests, I'm lazy so I skip through the NPC chat.
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Re: Hello, Hi, Ola, Aloha, and other forms of "hello"!

Postby Firon » 13 Dec 2014, 17:58

LazyAnon wrote:What's a good starter for newbs? Basically I just want to be able to deal damage whilst being able to take it, I tried Axe and Bow/Twin Sword so far, but I messed up the Axe stats and the Bow/Twin sword doesn't really fit me too well. I mean attacking from afar seems fun but at the same time it's not my style ya know? I enjoy being up close and personal, somewhat like a Tank/DPS mixture I suppose.
What do YOU suggest I try out? I'd like some veteran players suggestions on what they believe I might enjoy. Doesn't mean I will enjoy it, just means I'll give it a shot.

Onigiri has a lot of "don't get hit" but the weapon that can take the most dmg would be spear (since it's based on vit). Vit gives the most hp and also some p.def and m.def and spear also has the most dmg reduction when blocking so I'd suggest trying that. Spear is the one weapon I'll probably never use, though, so I have no idea to what extent you can actually take dmg...
IGN: Firon - TS (PC)
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Re: Hello, Hi, Ola, Aloha, and other forms of "hello"!

Postby LazyAnon » 14 Dec 2014, 00:00

Firon wrote:Onigiri has a lot of "don't get hit" but the weapon that can take the most dmg would be spear (since it's based on vit). Vit gives the most hp and also some p.def and m.def and spear also has the most dmg reduction when blocking so I'd suggest trying that. Spear is the one weapon I'll probably never use, though, so I have no idea to what extent you can actually take dmg...

I was trying out the Spear and it doesn't seem too bad. It's a tad bit slow with the attacks, even slower than an Axe in my opinion. May I ask why you wouldn't use the Spear though?
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Re: Hello, Hi, Ola, Aloha, and other forms of "hello"!

Postby Firon » 14 Dec 2014, 18:35

LazyAnon wrote:
Firon wrote:Onigiri has a lot of "don't get hit" but the weapon that can take the most dmg would be spear (since it's based on vit). Vit gives the most hp and also some p.def and m.def and spear also has the most dmg reduction when blocking so I'd suggest trying that. Spear is the one weapon I'll probably never use, though, so I have no idea to what extent you can actually take dmg...

I was trying out the Spear and it doesn't seem too bad. It's a tad bit slow with the attacks, even slower than an Axe in my opinion. May I ask why you wouldn't use the Spear though?

It's mostly just because of how slow they are and how dependent spear users are on two skills (water dragon spear and ice blossom-aside from ougi, anyway).
IGN: Firon - TS (PC)
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Re: Hello, Hi, Ola, Aloha, and other forms of "hello"!

Postby Nizuto » 21 Dec 2014, 03:36

LazyAnon wrote:I enjoy being up close and personal, somewhat like a Tank/DPS mixture I suppose.

I saw a thread on the forums about a spear build with 100 vit, and 80 pow, being more tanky than most players using spears
Here's the thread

While I'm no where near at being a veteran (started almost 4 weeks ago) I'll give you my lvl 76 spear user opinions related to tanking:

The game is action based with the idea of not getting hit (or if you're hit, you should guard or Just Guard). It's not like in other mmos with tanks going in first and taking the damage for the team.
Spear users are, for the most part, carries using Water Dragon Spear IV & Ice Blossom V or better. Due to their kiting potential and access to a magatama that increases their Skill Force by 90% (Literature Magatama), they are the best carries in the game and easiest to solo dungeons with.
Sure there are twin swords users with Thunder Beast Ougi or Bow users with Water Cannon Ougi, however spear users only need those two normal skills and they are good to go. They require drops luck (and maybe Lucky Box luck to acquire the skill cards for WDS or IB) rather than Nyankoropon luck (cash shop RNG luck)
While there is Chiami Magatama that recovers you HP whenever you crit, it can be used by any class.

Other notable skills:
Intimidate - slows enemies around you. Has good range in my opinion and it's underrated
Taunt - forces aggro to you
These two skills can be used with any class. You just need a spear that has them.

Ideally I'd say the spear builds that focus on tanking should be the ones to take enemy aggro, keep it on them with juking and kiting, while mages and archers use their aoes. But idk how later levels are. Early levels it doesn't mater and Mid levels spear users = carries (all this based on what I've seen).

A "bruiser" (tanky dps) type of build would be a combination of vit, pow and dex enough to make you sustain a few attacks (vit for hp, hp recovery and damage, pow for HP, and dex for crit and crit force). Magatamas should focus on crit with the core one being Chiami Magatama so you can recover HP when attacking.

A full tank build would be the combination of stats the OP had in that thread before. I don't know if the Haidara Magatama is viable for this (immune to critical hits).

My advice: go with a spear build and after you get the free stat reset item from the main quest decide if you like the class or not. Or keep it till late levels and then change class.

Remember, I'm not a veteran and this is all based on forum lurking, personal theories and opinions along with some experience.
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