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Introduce yourself to fellow players here!


Postby 光IruksiTakuma闇 » 24 Dec 2014, 23:48

Hello, I am Iruksi Takuma, my ingame name is IruksiTakuma. I have actually been a player on here for quite a while now, thought it would not kill me to sign up now would it?

About Me:

Q: Am I a boy or girl?
A: I'm a girl, worth mentioning as I am aware some guys on here probably chose to be a girl because of how the muscular version of the guy looks like Wreck-It Ralph.

Q: How long have you been playing?
A: About 3 months now, shockingly I am not even halfway through as 99.9% of the time I'm training or improving the quality of my primary weapon.

Q: What weapon do you use in-game?
Ishikiri Sword - 284 Damage - Lightning Slash VII - +30 - Grade 46 - This is my best sword I have, I currently am training to get the level of it's strongest move to lvl 50 or higher, so I can have one overpowered attack that where I am in the story will be one-hit for a while. You're probably going to say that there are plenty more weapons out there that would deal more damage right? For me, I won't care if a sword is more powerful, first of all, the three moves my sword has when used in a combo attack is RIDICULOUSLY overpowered, and I go for visually pleasing rather than attack power. Also I plan on after I get an ougi skill card from the Nyankoropon to use it on this sword too.

Q: How long are you online?
A: Usually I am online a minimum of 2-3 hours, you will typically find me at Izumo fields, training, forever.... And sometimes taking on a Look-Up Nyuudou at only lvl 31 on my own!

Anyway that's a little about me, anyway, on to playing some more!

Start asking questions guys! (Except for ones I listed already)
Posts: 1
Joined: 24 Dec 2014, 23:19

Re: Konnichiwa

Postby Reflex-069 » 25 Jan 2015, 09:01

Hi there, I'm new player here.

I just want to say that your name style of Light and Dark Kanji is interesting.

Q: Do you know Japanese?
IGN: -Rin-
Posts: 20
Joined: 25 Jan 2015, 03:51

Re: Konnichiwa

Postby SSShowmik » 27 Jan 2015, 06:42

Hajimemashite, Showmik desu. I am a new player like you, as well. So you seem to be a person who seems to know Japanese, are you Japanese? I am great fan of Japan, always play JP games and watch JP anime, just watching animes made me learn Japanese, anyway, just happy to see that all gamers are not just guys who love being "Avatar- The Friggin Gender Bender".
Posts: 4
Joined: 25 Jan 2015, 01:09

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