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Onigiri management team

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Onigiri management team

Postby Zoriyatsu » 13 Jan 2015, 19:49

What are ppl thoughts on them just wanted to know, seeing idk ignore this if you want just want ppls opnion and would you think if they were replaced the game would have more improvement?
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Re: Onigiri management team

Postby SupremeTentacle » 13 Jan 2015, 20:02

I want WEDGE and Zeka back :C
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Re: Onigiri management team

Postby Zoriyatsu » 13 Jan 2015, 21:31

I feel that the Management team should be fired/layed off basically it's like the positions was filled with ppl who seem to never work or respond to the player base including show any interaction like faceless robots who know nothing of mmo's or video games at the matter lets hope it's not like talking to outsourced customer support seeing this is a MMO comapny and not a cellphone industry to say the least in mmo's terms a really bad face for the publisher as I would give a really bad gamer review on sites. It should be filled with ppl who at least have a interest in the game and love it to grow. The example is who here hasn't gotten a email which was responded by the Onigiri management team that sounded like a automated response with no first name to show it's a actual person or any enthusiasm I got mad at who hired these hacks seeing I had 1 year in the customer service industry and longing times playing and testing mmo's.

I would prefer my mmo staff to show initiative or at least a interest by giving some personnel response or some responsibility this is a MMORPG not some social media game site and not a soul retching job really this game is doing good in the time I gotten back to playing it. IS it because of the "management team" or another team which deserve the thanks of the players I feel onigiri needs to do something about it staff and give a evaluation check on it on who needs to go.
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Re: Onigiri management team

Postby Zoriyatsu » 13 Jan 2015, 21:48

if they locked me out for speaking my mind on the forums as a negative feedback and denying a freedom of speech then this would be ridicules.
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Re: Onigiri management team

Postby Taakun » 13 Jan 2015, 22:45

Um you do know that when you send CS an email, you get an automated confirmation from CS to let you know they received it, which is a good thing. I want to know my email has gotten to them. Every email I've sent is immediately responded by:

*This is an auto-confirmation email.
An inquiry has been sent to the OnigiriUS Management Team.

All three of the emails I've sent were later replied to within 48 hours. Of course, written in a professional manner which wont exactly sound like your talking face to face with another person.
Perfectly acceptable to me.

I have no issues with Onigiri Management. I believe they do have a interest in making this game grow. They implemented many things that, for quite a while, had only been on the JP server.

But it is only my strong opinion that there isn't a group designated within Onigiri's management team to support the EN server. I've noticed that many of EN's maintenances occur immediately after the JP server comes out of maintenance. Reading pages on the official website I've noticed very minor grammatical errors and occasional spelling errors, but so minor that I really can't see an English speaking native making these mistakes. The forums had replies from English speaking mods at one point, but ceased months ago. And a GM I spoke to in game didn't understand the word "Trading".
It very well may be an all Japanese service team.
With that as my opinion, I expect there to be less public interaction with players of/on the EN server. However the service team and GM's have more interaction with players of Japan and on the JP server, not to mention aside from emailing the management team, you can also call them or snail mail them.

Management is fine but remember its [my opinion that we're dealing with] a Japanese company so communication will be sub-par for EN players.

SupremeTentacle wrote:I want WEDGE and Zeka back :C

What happened to them?
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Re: Onigiri management team

Postby SupremeTentacle » 13 Jan 2015, 22:51

Zoriyatsu wrote:I feel that the Management team should be fired/layed off basically it's like the positions was filled with ppl who seem to never work or respond to the player base including show any interaction like faceless robots who know nothing of mmo's or video games at the matter lets hope it's not like talking to outsourced customer support seeing this is a MMO comapny and not a cellphone industry to say the least in mmo's terms a really bad face for the publisher as I would give a really bad gamer review on sites. It should be filled with ppl who at least have a interest in the game and love it to grow. The example is who here hasn't gotten a email which was responded by the Onigiri management team that sounded like a automated response with no first name to show it's a actual person or any enthusiasm I got mad at who hired these hacks seeing I had 1 year in the customer service industry and longing times playing and testing mmo's.

I would prefer my mmo staff to show initiative or at least a interest by giving some personnel response or some responsibility this is a MMORPG not some social media game site and not a soul retching job really this game is doing good in the time I gotten back to playing it. IS it because of the "management team" or another team which deserve the thanks of the players I feel onigiri needs to do something about it staff and give a evaluation check on it on who needs to go.

Honestly, I understand that you're angry. However, you can't just complain about it like this and leave it at that. We don't really know what's going on behind the scenes so... yeah. All I can say is that the GM team seems extremely busy. However, they definately have not forgotten about us. They notice bugs, and even pop in from time to time. (Mostly Yuzuka, but yeah)

Taakun wrote:
SupremeTentacle wrote:I want WEDGE and Zeka back :C

What happened to them?

Honestly, I have no idea. However, I haven't seen either of them since the last time some hacker was turning players into monsters. However, I felt like those two were great cause they listened, and even if they didn't care, at least made it seem like they somewhat cared. They were also pretty fun.
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Re: Onigiri management team

Postby Zoriyatsu » 13 Jan 2015, 23:07

I understand what you mean Taakun after reading it is true that they should be given some slack I can understand the feeling of comparison due to there jp counter parts though I have played games like Fantasy Earth Zero a mmo with the same exact view point which is a good comparison see that game failed on due greatly on that of the publishers Gamepot. But I understand I should be going easy on them seeing there has been improvements given the time so it must be busy and also Tentacle there was such a hack on this game like that turning ppl to monsters? But I can say tentacles you been on for such a long time I'm amazed your still active I still remember when you posted back in the beta sequence of this game.
Last edited by Zoriyatsu on 13 Jan 2015, 23:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Onigiri management team

Postby Zoriyatsu » 13 Jan 2015, 23:15

Still one question begs to be answered what happened to channel 2 in the game seeing nothing was said I don't like lagging incredible due to everything being in one place especially going to congested area's of this game filled with bazaars shops
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Re: Onigiri management team

Postby SupremeTentacle » 14 Jan 2015, 00:01

Zoriyatsu wrote:I understand what you mean Taakun after reading it is true that they should be given some slack I can understand the feeling of comparison due to there jp counter parts though I have played games like Fantasy Earth Zero a mmo with the same exact view point which is a good comparison see that game failed on due greatly on that of the publishers Gamepot. But I understand I should be going easy on them seeing there has been improvements given the time so it must be busy and also Tentacle there was such a hack on this game like that turning ppl to monsters? But I can say tentacles you been on for such a long time I'm amazed your still active I still remember when you posted back in the beta sequence of this game.

I became quite inactive for a bit of time inbetween, but I like this game too much to really quit.

Yes, the hack existed. It was rather silly - like 50 people in echigo got turned into Satan. Sadly, I was too busy laughing my ass off at the time to take screenshots. (The ones I did take expired off my puush account QAAQ)

Zoriyatsu wrote:Still one question begs to be answered what happened to channel 2 in the game seeing nothing was said I don't like lagging incredible due to everything being in one place especially going to congested area's of this game filled with bazaars shops

Has turning down the bazaar appearance rate not helped at all? ;S

If this hasn't helped, have you tried messing with memory dedication and/or overclocking? (Note: not recommended for beginners). If neither of this helps, then it's a shame, but I wouldn't really know what else to suggest. I do agree that the bazaar system, or rather, the lag that is created by it, is quite frustrating for those with lower specs.

Seeing as how they have an auction-house like thing already, with all the bazaar's being organized in there, they might as well have just made a fking AH and replaced the bazaar system altogether. Maybe one day.

P.S. You can edit your post, so you don't have to double post in the future. xD;
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Re: Onigiri management team

Postby Ryxa » 14 Jan 2015, 00:11

There are a few of us old timers who have played since the very first closed Alpha test. Trust me when I say the Onigiri team is doing a perfectly fine job right now. The only thing I wish to see more of is just a little update or tweet so we know what they're working on rather than always just giving us a surprise during a maintenance. I know for a fact that at least one GM watches the forums daily, and I know for a fact that CS's customer support is insanely better than some other mmo companies. We used to get little tid-bits of news and sneak peeks at stuff from WEDGE and Zeka but those two have sorta disappeared off the face of the Earth. ):
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