by Penii » 24 Aug 2015, 11:24
There aren't really 'classes' for this---Any weapon with an ice element skill has a chance to freeze monsters. Sword, Oodachi, Axe, Spear, Wand, Bow, and Twinsword all have ice skills. Of course there's also poison skills, but take my advice and don't go for any of those. The initial damage from them is sad, and the extra 200 or so dmg from the poisoning that lasts for maybe 10 seconds at most, is useless. There is an ougi for bow users (restriction) that slows monsters down, and with the right mags you can reach up to ~500k-700k dmg on monsters in Oushuu (lvl111+ monsters), however, most people don't understand the game to the point where they can build up that much dmg, and I have seen players over lvl112 (who are bow builds) that hit 23k restriction on lvl105 monsters. As Jakiro said, Axe and spear are the ideal weapons for 'pushing' monsters away, though of course it would be better if you could simply one shot them. The best thing to do is to invest your status points into a single class (pow, vit, wis, mnd, dex), and focus on a single weapon (staff being the exception---everyone should be able to support). Good luck finding a suitable weapon that fits your tastes.
IGN: xXKirito24528Xx --- Lvl3 leech.