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Um... Hi?

Postby Ryuzu » 09 Sep 2015, 04:24

Hello there, everyone! o/

As usual, I don't have any idea how the "New Player Forum" works in different forums, so I assume it's just some shameless self-advertizing place? >.<
Ignoring that remark, Onigiri seemed beautiful in every single aspect so far, but since I don't play much MMOs, and this is one of my first, I don't really know how to judge.

I noticed that there isn't any class system built into this game, but I've a character which focuses on "Mind" and "Wisdom" stats (basically a mage/wizard? I don't really know...). I've neglected my "Vitality", "Strength", and "Dexterity" stats, so I was wondering whether I've made a bad decision... well, I'm at level 20, so I'd be glad to hear any comments on my choices (to prevent myself from making more bad decisions)!

Well, I'm mainly searching for friends to play in this game now, as the game is kinda difficult single-playing... and I would like to have someone to talk to. So if you see me (Ryuzu) in the game, feel free to talk to me. I don't bite, promise!

If you've any tips or anything I should look out for, do tell me. I'll be more than willing to learn more about this game!

And... just how large is the community?
Last edited by Ryuzu on 10 Sep 2015, 01:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Um... Hi?

Postby Penii » 09 Sep 2015, 06:58

Community: Minuscule in comparison to other MMO's.

And if you want to use wands, then simply focus on wis (for now). You'll obviously need more mnd latter in the game, but as of now focusing on 2 stats is only going to make reaching where you'd like to be harder. With the new exp rate, it's not that big of a deal, seeing that by Edo you're pretty much lvl92 without doing anything, but just try to add on to wis (and wands) for now.

Unless you want to be carried ? Then be a support (mnd).

Idk it's your choice. But in this game, it's hard to be successful if you're dabbling in more than one stat that isn't mnd. (Cause erey1 needs mnd) (Later on in the game; I mean)
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Re: Um... Hi?

Postby Ryuzu » 09 Sep 2015, 16:17

I see... personally, I don't think that being carried would be great to others if I don't contribute, so I'll heed your advice.
Now having said that, I've got 5 "Vitality" points, leading to 600+ health at level 21... is that low compared to others? Because I've been getting into near-death situations lately, I was thinking of straying from my usual "path" and investing on my "Vitality". Should I?

Honestly speaking, I believe that I've been asking too much questions, but here's the last (if you don't mind). What's that glowing chick in the dungeon after I kill a youkai? It appears randomly and I can't seem to scratch it... however, it kills me in one blast >.<

And... so you say the community is smaller compared to others... but are they friendly?
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Re: Um... Hi?

Postby Penii » 09 Sep 2015, 18:55

Health points vary, and they won't matter much later on because everything one shots you anyways. Investing in vit will be a waste: 600hp should be satisfactory for your lvl.

That's a golden daruma, it's a rare monster that isn't associated with the normal youkai that spawn. Kill it with poison. If you manage to kill it it gives off not only ryou, but ryou boxes, maybe a couple stones, and lots of exp.

Yes, the community is smaller, and just like in other games, kindness lvls vary. We're definitely better than LoL though.
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Re: Um... Hi?

Postby Ryuzu » 10 Sep 2015, 01:10

I see... well, I guess I'll not invest on health pools then. Thanks for the advice!

One question after another, I just get more curious as I progress into the game (is that a bad thing?). Well, I've been asking myself and a few others this, but they're not quite sure themselves because they didn't really take note of it: Are gold weapons the rarest (followed by red and blue respectively)? But if it is, why do I keep getting gold rarity weapons and have a lesser chance of obtaining red and blue?

One more thing... what exactly is the Temporal Rift? I've been "afraid" on entering it for fear of encountering Youkais (like what I did joining a level 18 dungeon at level 20) and the wiki page does not really give much clues on that... mind explaining what it is to me? >.<

Well, as you said, the community is kinda easy-going too, and I've made a bunch of other friends over some talk. So far so good, and I think I'll be sticking with this game for awhile. Gotta invite others here while I'm at it xD
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Re: Um... Hi?

Postby Penii » 10 Sep 2015, 06:36

Yes: Gold weapons are the rarest, then reds, then blues, followed by unlabeled weapons. And it depends on what you identify, and where those weapons are dropped from.

The Temporal Rift is your shortcut to other cities. I.e if you didn't want to walk from Onigashima to Kumaso, you could take the rift to Kumaso. Obviously you can't go to cities you haven't unlocked with the rift. There is reason to be afraid however. It's filled with these beings called weeaboos, who won't hesitate in trying to rape you.
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Re: Um... Hi?

Postby Ryuzu » 10 Sep 2015, 20:03

Okai, thanks for the information on weapon rarity and identification! Should be kinda fine now that I'm level 23. Will look into the wiki for anything else I don't understand :)

So you say weeaboos... do they consist majority of the community here? And assuming that "rape" is not literal, should I steer clear of them?
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Re: Um... Hi?

Postby Penii » 10 Sep 2015, 20:22

No problem, the wiki's pretty useful.

Yes, it could definitely be plausible that they make up most of the games population. I say that in the nicest way possible, for sake of not getting anyone butthurt. Rape as in *rapes*. It's about as literal as can be, considering it's done online.
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Re: Um... Hi?

Postby Ryuzu » 10 Sep 2015, 20:45

Thanks for the information about this game! I can't thank you enough helping me thus far! Thanks again!
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Re: Um... Hi?

Postby Winter de Solis » 17 Sep 2015, 06:35

Penii wrote:Yes, the community is smaller, and just like in other games, kindness lvls vary. We're definitely better than LoL though.

LoL is a league of ragefest. Any community is better than them.

To be honest Runescape community is no better but you get a lot of smoothing from forum moderators. But us Runescapers are pretty hot headed especially when it comes to UPDATES we don't like.

I confess I lost it when the oc was delivered to me late and I thought it was never going to be delivered.
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