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How is the player population in this game?

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How is the player population in this game?

Postby Shizoku » 10 Oct 2015, 00:45

Is it like the rest of anime-themed MMOs like Aura Kingdom that's basically on life support after 1-2 years?
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Joined: 10 Oct 2015, 00:42

Re: How is the player population in this game?

Postby Firon » 10 Oct 2015, 05:07

The population doesn't seem too big. The lower level areas are probably going to deserted since there was a content update last maintenance.
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Re: How is the player population in this game?

Postby Shizoku » 10 Oct 2015, 06:24

Also, is this game really 20gb+? That sounds a little crazy. Are those just voice files or what? Since from what I've seen, the graphics shouldn't really demand that much data, considering most nextgen games, save for AAA games like MGSV and The Witcher 3, don't get that big and as with MMOs, I think the biggest one I remember was Blade and Soul, with a whopping 30gb.
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Re: How is the player population in this game?

Postby Lordun » 11 Oct 2015, 14:06

The game is about 4.69gb.
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Re: How is the player population in this game?

Postby Marimo » 20 Oct 2015, 01:31

Firon wrote:The population doesn't seem too big. The lower level areas are probably going to deserted since there was a content update last maintenance.

If CyberJew added in tumbleweeds, that'll be a sign of a town & area being deserted. xD
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