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Postby Neraxis » 21 Oct 2015, 06:23

Seems to be a bit of a call for guilding. Has anyone discovered a format for doing this that actually works ?

Lets try a different approach. Would anyone be interested in creating a guild or joining a created guild that uses skype for communication. As far as everything else goes this game is fairly limited on cooperative play. Essentially the only thing MMO about it is the ability to team up for dungeons. The rest is strait solo play. That being said there's naturally some wrinkles to iron out with any kind guild format on a game that's not designed to have guilds.
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Re: Guilds

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 21 Oct 2015, 17:20

There isn't really any way to have a guild here. It's technically possible to have a permanent party, assuming each of the members rotate out in turn. If all players log out though, the party disappears and everyone goes back to solo. I absolutely would use skype with a party if possible though, since that'd make coordination much easier, especially for things like Field Boss hunting. It'd be quicker than using the chat window that's for sure. When you're running a dungeon or fighting a boss, you sometimes need to relay instructions, but using chat means you have to stop, stand still, type out the message and send it, all while mobs are tearing your chutney channel asunder. Using skype would eliminate that completely. It'd be nice if we could have permanent guilds as well, but I wouldn't count on that happening any time soon. Maybe 2020 at the earliest.
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Re: Guilds

Postby Neraxis » 22 Oct 2015, 12:37

Well an actual guild format is impossible. calling it a guild is simply to make tit easier to understand the point of said proposition. That being said, I intend on sticking around for a while to see where this game goes as it has alot of potential to be tapped. Most of which is in its combat system. With a few minor tweaks the combat system could easily become pvp as its not all that dissimilar from the combat system used in the online version or even console version of Dynasty Warriors. A collaboration between the 2 companies could easily kill both pve and pvp aspects.
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Re: Guilds

Postby Tekato » 22 Oct 2015, 13:19

The closest thing we will get to guilds is the Chat Groups which they could expand on but knowing C$ its not going to happen at least for another 2 or 3 years if the game lasts that long. PVP would pretty much just be a lag fest given the fact that C$ servers are complete shit it will end up looking like a DBZ fight with all the players teleporting everywhere spamming ougis in hope they actually connect.
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Re: Guilds

Postby SupremeTentacle » 22 Oct 2015, 23:00

A guild type thing eh?

Honestly speaking... You probably wouldn't want to make a pseudo guild or extend invites to random people. Onigiri's community sucks.

A good chunk of the high level population can't even speak english....

Putting all the weabs, roleplayers, assholes (like me 8D), pinoys, brazilians, viets, indonesians, malasians, trolls and shit aside leaves you with.... 0 players!

Your grammatical structure and word choice suggests that you would most likely not enjoy hanging out with any of the above, as it actually seems somewhat sensible. Hence, I highly suggest you bring in your own friends instead.
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Re: Guilds

Postby Neraxis » 24 Oct 2015, 16:37

Oh, I can certainly handle a few salty people, not a big deal. As for bringing people with me its funny you should mention that. I've been playing another game and we're actually looking for a new one to play as the content is getting a little nutty, right down to the combat system. So yes, I will be bringing people to the game with me but the success of a guild is contingent on its ability to remain active and to do that there has to be some growth potential. If we have to weed out a few salty people to keep things going then we will do so. Skype gives the creator of the skype group the ability to remove people.

That being said.... Show of hands (not literally) who would be up for this.
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Re: Guilds

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 24 Oct 2015, 17:26

*Waves hand in the air like I just don't care* I'd like to see guilds, I like being a part of the team and contributing to its growth and success. I usually join a guild in any game I play, or else create my own and attract other members. Most games also have guild-only benefits/rewards, at least most of the ones I've played, so that adds to the potential lifespan of the game.
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Re: Guilds

Postby Aeir » 03 Nov 2015, 17:19

Using the chat group option might aswell be making a guild/clan. I'd be down for skype/curse voice play. ^^ REALLY hope they make a pvp here... :o
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