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How shuld i add my stat

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How shuld i add my stat

Postby エスター ❤ » 21 Feb 2016, 00:48

I need help with adding stat . I have no damage no matter what i do. I try new twin sword but when i hit on mobs it give no damage yesh No Damage only do 1k per line it gets me so mad . I Wanna keep my Damage Aka twin Sword and Bow while trying to Sp my friend can u tell me how much shuld i add on my dex and my ETC I try googling but it nvr tell me the amount that i shuld add because i have totally no idea now my whole chracter is screwed up its lv 85 Help please :( :( :(
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Re: How shuld i add my stat

Postby Momiji » 21 Feb 2016, 07:51

Just a rough estimation, based on your description, you are looking at a MND-DEX build. As it is, Invigorate skills are mind dependent (10 x Rank of Invigorate). As such, if you could screen shot the status page or pm me in-game with profile open, i may be able to give better info there.

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Re: How shuld i add my stat

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 21 Feb 2016, 18:07

If you're a Twin Sword user, then you should have maxed DEX by now (Some point between 75-80 depending on whether you put the occasional point on MND). Once DEX is maxed you can increase MND too raise your SP. Damage output is also increased by equipping Twin Sword Affinity magatama and Skill Force magatama.
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Re: How shuld i add my stat

Postby エスター ❤ » 22 Feb 2016, 20:28

Momiji wrote:Just a rough estimation, based on your description, you are looking at a MND-DEX build. As it is, Invigorate skills are mind dependent (10 x Rank of Invigorate). As such, if you could screen shot the status page or pm me in-game with profile open, i may be able to give better info there.

IGN: Lunastasia

I just REstarted my Stat So it is nth But if i max Dex i would have been 1 Hit ko By mobs ;w; (Daring Type) Havent add anything
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Re: How shuld i add my stat

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 23 Feb 2016, 18:44

That's going to happen to you anyway. It's inevitable. What are you going to do at end game? The mobs there (as I'm told) are beyond the level cap, so they're still going to one-shot you. It's possible to get one-shot as early as Sekigahara. The point with this game is to max out your DPS, killing the mobs as quickly as you can, before they kill you. If you're a Daring type, and a Twin Sword user, you *need* to max out DEX in order to make the most of your DPS. Having maxed out DEX also means you have better critical, which is also handy for dealing lots of damage. As for Magatama, I'd recommend 1 Chiami (whenever you land a critical hit, 3% of the damage you deal gets restored to you as health, which *should* mean a full health restore. My main's Level 84 with maxed out DEX, and can hit over 300k on a crit, so even 3% of that is a lot), and either 3 Lion-Dog Mags (Rank 4+ TS Skill Force +38%) or 3 Two-Tails Magatama of Calamity (Rank 5+ TS Skill Force +60%). All of those should be Ornamented as well (veteran players like SupremeTentacle or Ryxa will be better able to advise on Ornaments than me). If you've been levelling Amaterasu (which you *should* be), then that's even better. Each level of Nigimitama (based on what I've seen so far) gives you a bunch of status points which you can use to further strengthen yourself, plus she also has Titles to offer, each with bonuses to add just a little bit more power to you. Combine all of these things, and your DPS should end up being pretty huge.

You haven't said what stage of the game you're at, so it's hard for me to make recommendations about weapons. If you're anywhere before Echigo, then I'd recommend going back to Onigashima, running Golden Weapon Hunt Youen on Hard, and getting yourself some Cypher Twin Swords. If you're at Echigo or a little after it, bump yourself to level 90, run Youen Hell, and get Annapurna TS or Dark Heaven Enbu TS. You'll have to grind a bit more to equip them (Around 100 for Annapurna, 105 for Enbu), but it'll pay off hugely in the long run.

TL;DR Glass Cannon Mode is your only hope.
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Re: How shuld i add my stat

Postby Firon » 24 Feb 2016, 03:26

My recommendations would be:
-Pick either bow or twins. Picking both isn't too viable.
-Use 3 rank 5+ single sf mags (eg. nekomata magatama, twin swords rank 5+) or 3 rank 6+. Use skills of appropriate ranks, of course. Add "Fated Contractor" ornaments on these.
-Use a Chiami magatama. Add "Confining Terror" ornaments on these.
- 40 mnd (if you plan on using rapid storm and some invigs). 20 total at the very least so that you at least have something for passive sp regen. All the rest in Dex. Dex gives cool down reduction, affinity, crit damage bonuses, increased crit rate and some attack speed so you can never have enough.
エスター ❤ wrote:But if i max Dex i would have been 1 Hit ko By mobs ;w; (Daring Type) Havent add anything

I doubt you'd get 1 hit by mobs at max hp, especially with hp bonuses from fated ornaments (unless it's an attack you really shouldn't get hit by) but you can always use the "Benten's Blessing" and "Moth Orchid" liqours.

HelixDraxzonyx wrote:Two-Tails Magatama of Calamity (Rank 5+ TS Skill Force +60%)

This has a level restriction (100).
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